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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——English Teaching-Practice and Critique《英语教学-实践与批评》2020年第19卷第1-4期的29篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。

English Teaching-Practice and Critique《英语教学-实践与批评》2020年第19卷第1-4期-共29篇论文(侵删)

101Critical Literacies in Community ContextsEditorialBarnes & EvilaGuest editorial
102Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleTrigos-CarrilloCommunity cultural wealth and literacy capital in Latin American communities
103Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleRichardsonCentering Black mothers’ stories for critical literacies
104Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleCushingPrescriptivism, linguicism and pedagogical coercion in primary school UK curriculum policy
105Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleBoyd & DarraghCritical literacies on the university campus: Engaging pre-service teachers with social action projects
106Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleShelton et al.“These kids are rebelling”: a student-led transformation of community and critical literacy
107Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleHosek & HandsfieldMonological practices, authoritative discourses and the missing “C” in digital classroom communities
108Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleHadley et al.Opening spaces of restoration for youth through community-engaged critical literacy practices
109Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleLee & Schoonover“My life’s blueprint”: publishing critical youth narratives in community-based organizations
110Critical Literacies in Community ContextsArticleJohnstonAssemblaging communities: Looking at how communities work for enacting critical literacies pedagogy in the classroom
201/ArticleGodley & TheinEditorial
202/ArticleJuzwik & AntonucciDialogic collaging to cultivate shame resilience in writing classrooms
203/ArticleKessonReading digital texts: obstacles to using digital resources
204/ArticleHà & BellotAssessing storytelling as a tool for improving reading comprehension in the EFL primary classroom
205/ArticleKerkhoff et al.Average and avid: preservice English teachers' reading identities
206/ArticleJwaKorean EFL students’ argumentative writing in L1 and L2: A comparative move analysis study
207/ArticleDiamondCultural memory in English teaching: a critical autobiographical inquiry
301Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleWatson & PetroneGuest editorial
302Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleMirra et al.Without borders: youth debaters reimagining the nature and purpose of public dialogue
303Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleKellyListening differently: youth self-actualization through critical Hip Hop literacies
304Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleDeJaynes et al.Participatory action research in schools: unpacking the lived inequities of high stakes testing
305Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleGreen et al.(Responding to) Youth epistemologies to create a third space: a reclamation of learning in an English language arts classroom
306Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleMurfiled“It’s not like this here”: teaching a Youth Lens in South Korea
307Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleGriffith & AmevuvorVariations on the death of a grandparent: an analysis of youth memoir
308Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticleRombalskiConnected literacies of anti-racist youth organizers
309Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher educationArticlePetchauer“Oh boy, I ain’t playin’ no games!”: making sense with youth in the aural imaginary
401Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleKontovourki et al.Guest editorial
402Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleDanielsMoving hands in classroom assemblages: puppet play in a post-world
403Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleSchmidt & BeucherAffective intensities: Emotion, race, gender and the push and pull of bodies
404Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleDernikosTuning into rebellious matter: affective literacies as more-than-human sonic bodies
405Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticlePennington et al.Performance, pottery and pliers: rupturing play with bodies and things
406Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleCrampton & LewisArtists as catalysts: the ethical and political possibilities of teaching artists in literacy classrooms
407Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleLenters & WhitfordMaking macaroni: classroom improv for transformative embodied critical literacy
408Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- worldArticleStutelbergTeaching as invasion: emotions, boundaries and entanglements

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