【每日期刊】English Teaching-Practice and Critique《英语教学-实践与批评》2020年第19卷第1-4期-共29篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——English Teaching-Practice and Critique《英语教学-实践与批评》2020年第19卷第1-4期的29篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
English Teaching-Practice and Critique《英语教学-实践与批评》2020年第19卷第1-4期-共29篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Editorial | Barnes & Evila | Guest editorial |
1 | 02 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Trigos-Carrillo | Community cultural wealth and literacy capital in Latin American communities |
1 | 03 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Richardson | Centering Black mothers’ stories for critical literacies |
1 | 04 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Cushing | Prescriptivism, linguicism and pedagogical coercion in primary school UK curriculum policy |
1 | 05 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Boyd & Darragh | Critical literacies on the university campus: Engaging pre-service teachers with social action projects |
1 | 06 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Shelton et al. | “These kids are rebelling”: a student-led transformation of community and critical literacy |
1 | 07 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Hosek & Handsfield | Monological practices, authoritative discourses and the missing “C” in digital classroom communities |
1 | 08 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Hadley et al. | Opening spaces of restoration for youth through community-engaged critical literacy practices |
1 | 09 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Lee & Schoonover | “My life’s blueprint”: publishing critical youth narratives in community-based organizations |
1 | 10 | Critical Literacies in Community Contexts | Article | Johnston | Assemblaging communities: Looking at how communities work for enacting critical literacies pedagogy in the classroom |
2 | 01 | / | Article | Godley & Thein | Editorial |
2 | 02 | / | Article | Juzwik & Antonucci | Dialogic collaging to cultivate shame resilience in writing classrooms |
2 | 03 | / | Article | Kesson | Reading digital texts: obstacles to using digital resources |
2 | 04 | / | Article | Hà & Bellot | Assessing storytelling as a tool for improving reading comprehension in the EFL primary classroom |
2 | 05 | / | Article | Kerkhoff et al. | Average and avid: preservice English teachers' reading identities |
2 | 06 | / | Article | Jwa | Korean EFL students’ argumentative writing in L1 and L2: A comparative move analysis study |
2 | 07 | / | Article | Diamond | Cultural memory in English teaching: a critical autobiographical inquiry |
3 | 01 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Watson & Petrone | Guest editorial |
3 | 02 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Mirra et al. | Without borders: youth debaters reimagining the nature and purpose of public dialogue |
3 | 03 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Kelly | Listening differently: youth self-actualization through critical Hip Hop literacies |
3 | 04 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | DeJaynes et al. | Participatory action research in schools: unpacking the lived inequities of high stakes testing |
3 | 05 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Green et al. | (Responding to) Youth epistemologies to create a third space: a reclamation of learning in an English language arts classroom |
3 | 06 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Murfiled | “It’s not like this here”: teaching a Youth Lens in South Korea |
3 | 07 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Griffith & Amevuvor | Variations on the death of a grandparent: an analysis of youth memoir |
3 | 08 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Rombalski | Connected literacies of anti-racist youth organizers |
3 | 09 | Youth studies and youth epistemologies in English teaching and teacher education | Article | Petchauer | “Oh boy, I ain’t playin’ no games!”: making sense with youth in the aural imaginary |
4 | 01 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Kontovourki et al. | Guest editorial |
4 | 02 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Daniels | Moving hands in classroom assemblages: puppet play in a post-world |
4 | 03 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Schmidt & Beucher | Affective intensities: Emotion, race, gender and the push and pull of bodies |
4 | 04 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Dernikos | Tuning into rebellious matter: affective literacies as more-than-human sonic bodies |
4 | 05 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Pennington et al. | Performance, pottery and pliers: rupturing play with bodies and things |
4 | 06 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Crampton & Lewis | Artists as catalysts: the ethical and political possibilities of teaching artists in literacy classrooms |
4 | 07 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Lenters & Whitford | Making macaroni: classroom improv for transformative embodied critical literacy |
4 | 08 | Embodiment and literacies: Teaching, learning, and becoming in a post- world | Article | Stutelberg | Teaching as invasion: emotions, boundaries and entanglements |
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