【每日期刊】Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》2020年第61卷-共9篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》最新一期、即2020年第61卷的9篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Linguistics and Education《语言学与教育》2020年第61卷-共9篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Moreno et al. | Student perspectives on dual immersion in California: A comparison with the perceptions of CLIL learners in Madrid |
02 | Article | Sikveland et al. | How teachers use prosody to guide students towards an adequate answer |
03 | Article | Dueñas | ‘Llegando a secundaria les ha dado amnesia…ya no quieren hablar’: Indigenous speakerhood socialization and the creation of language deniers in Quechua education |
04 | Article | Downes | Responsibilisation and acceptable verbal behaviour in schools: Teachers and leaders arbitrating the boundaries of swearing |
05 | Article | Nilsberth & Sandlund | On the interactional challenges of revealing summative assessments: Collaborative scoring talk among teachers and students in Swedish national tests |
06 | Article | Leyland | The interactional construction of the academic reader in writing tutorials for international students: An advice-giving resource |
07 | Article | Uzum et al. | A comparative analysis of cultural representations in collegiate world language textbooks (Arabic, French, and German) |
08 | Article | Jocuns | The Geosemiotics of a Thai University: The narratives embedded in schoolscapes |
09 | Article | Shang & Hiver | Using a language socialization framework to explore Chinese Students’ L2 Reticence in English language learning |
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