【每日期刊】 Linguistics《语言学》2021年第59卷第1期-共9篇论文(侵删)
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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Tran | Non-canonical word order and temporal reference in Vietnamese |
02 | Article | Lewandowski | Constructions are not predictable but are motivated: evidence from the Spanish completive reflexive |
03 | Article | Hinskens et al. | Variation and change in grammatical gender marking: the case of Dutch ethnolects |
04 | Article | Gnevsheva | Topic affects perception of degree of foreign accent in a non-dominant language |
05 | Article | Haspelmath | Role-reference associations and the explanation of argument coding splits |
06 | Article | Abubakari | Topic marking in Kusaal and selected Mabia (Gur) languages of West Africa |
07 | Article | Kelly & Lahaussois | Chains of influence in Himalayan grammars: Models and interrelations shaping descriptions of Tibeto-Burman languages of Nepal |
08 | Article | Flach | From movement into action to manner of causation: changes in argument mapping in the into-causative |
09 | Article | Goldberg & Herbst | The nice-of-you construction and its fragments |
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