【每日期刊】International Journal of Applied Linguistics《国际应用语言学杂志》2021年第31卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——International Journal of Applied Linguistics《国际应用语言学杂志》最新一期、即2021年第31卷第1期的13篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
International Journal of Applied Linguistics《国际应用语言学杂志》2021年第31卷第1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Scheffler et al. | The Peppa Pig television series as input in pre‐primary EFL instruction: A corpus‐based study |
02 | Article | Condamines | Towards an ergonomic linguistics: Application to the design of controlled natural languages |
03 | Article | Hamada & Suzuki | Listening to Global Englishes: Script‐assisted shadowing |
04 | Article | Akbarian & Farrokhi | Lexical availability and writing ability of EFL learners |
05 | Article | Sharifian et al. | English language learning barriers of Afghan refugee women in Australia |
06 | Article | Johnson & Pfenninger | Tasty words: Using frame semantics to enhance consumer liking of potato chips and apples |
07 | Article | Wang | A case study of translanguaging phenomenon in CBI classes in a Chinese university context |
08 | Article | Helmer | Humorous or occasioned instructions: Learning the “shoulder check” in theoretical and practical driving lessons |
09 | Article | Wilton | Epistemics in post‐match interviews: A focus on questioning turn design |
10 | Review | Noorelahi | Arabic second language learning and effects of input, transfer, and typology, Alhawary, Mohammed T., Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2019, 223 pp., $59.95, E‐book: $179.95, Hardcover: $59.95, Paperback ISBN: 978‐1‐6261‐6646‐2 |
11 | Review | Xu & Liu | Language assessment for classroom teachers Lyle Bachman, Barbara Damböck. Gurzynski‐Weiss, Laura. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, vi+289 pp, ISBN:978‐0‐19‐421839‐9, $45 (paperback). |
12 | Review | Mambetaliev | A reflection on the language and culture on the margins, A, Mambetaliev, Edited by Sjaak Kroon and Jos Swanenberg, Routledge. 2020, 242, ISBN 9780367585662 |
13 | Review | Gao & Liu | Data collection research methods in applied linguistics. Rose, Heath, McKinley, Jim, and Briggs Baffoe‐Djan, Jessica. London: Bloomsbury, (2020). x+ 296 pp. |
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