【每日期刊】Journal of Language and Social Psychology《语言与社会心理杂志》2021年第40卷第2期-共6篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊—— Journal of Language and Social Psychology《语言与社会心理杂志》最新一期、即2021年第40卷第2期的6篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Journal of Language and Social Psychology《语言与社会心理杂志》2021年第40卷第2期-共6篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Announcement | Giles | Announcements, JLSP Awards, and Appreciation of External Reviewers |
02 | Article | Kampf et al. | “Wait With Falling in Love”: Discursive Evaluation of Amicable Messages Conveyed by Opponents |
03 | Article | Bodie et al. | Discovering the Fabric of Supportive Conversations: A Typology of Speaking Turns and Their Contingencies |
04 | Article | Baek & Ihm | Word Use as an Unobtrusive Predictor of Early Departure From Organizations |
05 | Article | Cutler et al. | Inferring Grandiose Narcissism From Text: LIWC Versus Machine Learning |
06 | Article | Markowitz et al. | The Deception Spiral: Corporate Obfuscation Leads to Perceptions of Immorality and Cheating Behavior |
07 | Review | Zhang & Xu | Book Review: The emotional rollercoaster of language teaching |
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