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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Balance | Narrow reading, vocabulary load and collocations in context: Exploring lexical repetition in concordances from a pedagogical perspective |
02 | Article | Lee & Briggs | Effects of using machine translation to mediate the revision process of Korean university students’ academic writing |
03 | Article | Latif | Corpus literacy instruction in language teacher education: Investigating Arab EFL student teachers’ immediate beliefs and long-term practices |
04 | Article | York et al. | Effect of SCMC on foreign language anxiety and learning experience: A comparison of voice, video, and VR-based oral interaction |
05 | Article | Fang et al. | Effects of mobile-supported task-based language teaching on EFL students’ linguistic achievement and conversational interaction |
06 | Article | Gao & Shen | Mobile-technology-induced learning strategies: Chinese university EFL students learning English in an emerging context |
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