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序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Morphological spelling | Introduction | Berg & Aronoff | Introduction to the special issue morphological spelling |
02 | Morphological spelling | Article | Heyer | Below the surface: The application of implicit morpho-graphic regularities to novel word spelling |
03 | Morphological spelling | Article | Treiman et al. | How sensitive are adults to the role of morphology in spelling? |
04 | Morphological spelling | Article | Ulicheva et al. | Sensitivity to meaningful regularities acquired through experience |
05 | Morphological spelling | Article | Fuhrhop | Visible verbal morphology: Morpheme constancy in Germanic and Romance verbal inflection |
06 | Morphological spelling | Article | Berg & Aronoff | Is the English writing system phonographic or lexical/morphological? A new look at the spelling of stems |
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