【每日期刊】Metaphor and the Social World《隐喻与社会世界》2020年第10卷第1~2期-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是ESCI期刊——Metaphor and the Social World《隐喻与社会世界》2020年第10卷第1~2期的21篇论文(侵删),其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末按钮下载。
Metaphor and the Social World《隐喻与社会世界》2020年第10卷第1~2期-共21篇论文(侵删)
期号 | 序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
1 | 01 | Article | Atkins et al. | No sympathy for the bully |
1 | 02 | Article | Chatti | Seasonal metaphors in Arab journalistic discourse |
1 | 03 | Article | Littlemore & Turner | Metaphors in communication about pregnancy loss |
1 | 04 | Article | Saito & Chiang | Political cartoons portraying the Musha Uprising in Taiwan under Japanese rule |
1 | 05 | Article | Tonković | Is a difficult task literally heavy? |
1 | 06 | Article | Wackers et al. | Violence metaphors for cancer |
1 | 07 | Article | Zeng et al. | A multifactorial analysis of metaphors in political discourse |
1 | 08 | Review | Coëgnarts | Steen, G. J. (Ed.) (2018), Visual Metaphor: Structure and Process |
1 | 09 | Review | McGregor | Petruck, M. R. L. (Ed.). (2018). MetaNet |
1 | 10 | Review | Rasulić | Piquer-Píriz, A. M. & R. Alejo-González (Eds.). (2018). Applying Cognitive Linguistics. Figurative Language in Use, Constructions and Typology |
2 | 01 | Introduction | Tay | Critical, conceptual, and collaborative perspectives on metaphor and mental health |
2 | 02 | Article | Mathieson et al. | Recent applications of metaphor research in cognitive behaviour therapy |
2 | 03 | Article | Törneke | Strategies for using metaphor in psychological treatment |
2 | 04 | Article | Knapton | Negotiating embodied space in anxiety narratives |
2 | 05 | Article | Yu & Tay | A mixed-method analysis of image-schematic metaphors in describing anger, anxiety, and depression |
2 | 06 | Article | Tay | Surveying views of metaphor vs. literal language in psychotherapy |
2 | 07 | Article | Furrari | The ‘transformative’ power of ‘integrated metaphor’ in counselling |
2 | 08 | Article | Carissimo | Rewriting burnout as metaphor |
2 | 09 | Article | Urbonaitė | Roush, D. R. (2018). Event Structure Metaphors through the Body |
2 | 10 | Article | Fritsche | Semino, E., Demjén, Z., Hardie, A., Payne, S., Rayson, P. (2018). Metaphor, Cancer and the End of Life: A Corpus-based Study |
2 | 11 | Article | Dorst | Shuttleworth, M. (2017). Studying Scientific Metaphor in Translation: An Inquiry into Cross-Lingual Translation Practices |
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