【每日期刊】Language and Education《语言与教育》2021年第35卷第2期-共6篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language and Education《语言与教育》2021年第35卷第2期的6篇论文(侵删)。
Language and Education《语言与教育》2021年第35卷第2期-共6篇论文
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Culturally Sustaining Approaches to Academic Languaging through Systemic Functional Linguistics | Introduction | Sambiante & Tian | Culturally sustaining approaches to academic languaging through systemic functional linguistics |
02 | Culturally Sustaining Approaches to Academic Languaging through Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Harman et al. | Culturally sustaining systemic functional linguistics praxis in science classrooms |
03 | Culturally Sustaining Approaches to Academic Languaging through Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Mizell | Apprenticeship of pre-service teachers through culturally sustaining systemic functional linguistics |
04 | Culturally Sustaining Approaches to Academic Languaging through Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Humphrey | The role of teachers’ disciplinary semiotic knowledge in supporting young bi/multilingual learners’ academic and reflexive multiliteracies |
05 | Culturally Sustaining Approaches to Academic Languaging through Systemic Functional Linguistics | Article | Cavallaro & Sembiante | Facilitating culturally sustaining, functional literacy practices in a middle school ESOL reading program: a design-based research study |
06 | Culturally Sustaining Approaches to Academic Languaging through Systemic Functional Linguistics | Commentary | de Oliveira | The intersections of culturally sustaining pedagogies and systemic functional linguistics: affordances for the education of multilingual learners |
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