【每日刊讯】Language, Interaction and Acquisition《语言,互动与习得》2020年第11卷第1期-共8篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是新兴期刊——Language, Interaction and Acquisition《语言,互动与习得》2020年第11卷第1期的8篇论文(侵删)。
Language, Interaction and Acquisition《语言,互动与习得》2020年第11卷第1期-共8篇论文(侵删)

序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Obituary | / | In Memoriam Maya Hickmann |
02 | Article | Kail | A short note on Maya Hickmann’s contribution to the psycholinguistic approach to Language and Spatial Cognition |
03 | Article | Baten & Verbeke | A cross-theoretical and cross-linguistic perspective on the L2 acquisition of case systems |
04 | Article | Baten & Verbeke | L’acquisition de systèmes casuels en L2 : des études à travers plusieurs théories et langues |
05 | Article | Saturno & Watorek | The emergence of functional case marking in initial varieties of Polish L2 |
06 | Article | Garðarsdóttir & Þorvaldsdóttir | A processability approach to the development of case in L2 Icelandic |
07 | Article | Peace | L2 Spanish clitic pronouns |
08 | Article | Walter | The acquisition of German declension in additive and concept-based approaches to instruction via computer-based cognitive tutors |
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