【每日刊讯】Journal of Sociolinguistics《社会语言学杂志》2021年第25卷第3期-共16篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Sociolinguistics《社会语言学杂志》最新一期、2021年第25卷第3期的16篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of Sociolinguistics《社会语言学杂志》2021年第25卷第3期-共16篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Hall | Language in the middle: Class and sexuality on the Hinglish continuum |
02 | Article | Catedral | The (im)possibility of sociolinguistic hybridity: Power and scaling in post-soviet, transnational life |
03 | Article | Leach | /h/-dropping and occupational role in Stoke-on-Trent's pottery industry |
04 | Article | Truan & Oldani | The view from within: Gendered language ideologies of multilingual speakers in contemporary Berlin |
05 | Article | Lovrits & de Bres | Prestigious language, pigeonholed speakers: Stances towards the ‘native English speaker’ in a multilingual European institution |
06 | Article | Holliday & Squires | Sociolinguistic labor, linguistic climate, and race(ism) on campus: Black college students’ experiences with language at predominantly white institutions |
07 | Note | Wan | Sociolinguistics of pathologized speech: A case of deaf and hard-of-hearing speakers of Taiwan Mandarin |
08 | Dialogue | Fine & Love-Nichols | Language and climate justice: A research agenda |
09 | Dialogue | Pouchet | Participation, inequality, and conversations about conservation |
10 | Dialogue | Edmonds | Multilingualism and climate justice: The role of linguistic diversity in environmental conservation |
11 | Dialogue | Forte | National identities, non-human animals and climate change: How to dismantle the discourses that govern our lives |
12 | Dialogue | Perley | Dare we ‘hope’? |
13 | Review | Ravi | Discriminations : Combattre la Glottophobie. Philippe Blanchet. Limoges: Lambert Lucas. 2019. 150 pp. Pb (ISBN978-2-3593-281-8). 15 euros |
14 | Review | Kiesling | Queering language, gender, and sexuality |
15 | Review | Smith-Christmas | Critical Perspectives on Language and Kinship in Multilingual Families |
16 | Obituary | Vigouroux | Tribute: Jan Blommaert, a citizen sociolinguist |
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