【每日刊讯】Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2021年第183卷-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》最新一期、即2021年第183卷的21篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2021年第183卷-共21篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Chaemsaithong | Representing people in execution news: Reference terms, identity, and ideology |
02 | Article | Peng et al. | ‘Sharing the experience’ in enactments in storytelling |
03 | Article | Chejnová | Apology as a multifunctional speech act in Czech students' e-mails to their lecturer |
04 | Article | Maíz-Arévalo | “Blowing our own trumpet”: Self-praise in Peninsular Spanish face-to-face communication |
05 | Article | Ergül | Mitigating oral corrective feedback through linguistic strategies and smiling |
06 | Article | Chankova | Post-truth assertion and assertoric competence |
07 | Article | Jeong & Bae | Grammar and stance: The use of Korean interrogative suffixes –nya and –ni as alignment markers |
08 | Article | Nguyen et al. | “Did you just say transformers?” A Child's agency and social actions in language-focused sequences |
09 | Review | Ruytenbeek | The Discourse of Indirectness. Cues, voices and functions, Zohar Livnat, Pnina Shukrun-Nagar, Galia Hirsch. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (2020), viii + 257 p., ISBN 978-90-272-0777-7, €95 (hardback) |
10 | Review | Mevis | Frequency in Language: Memory, Attention and Learning, Dagmar Divjak. Cambridge University Press (2019), 340 pp., ISBN 9781107085756, £85.00 (Hardback) |
11 | Review | Murphy | Conversational Humour and (Im)politeness: A Pragmatic Analysis of Social Interaction, Valeria Sinkeviciute. John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (2019), 274, pp. ISBN 9789027262110 (e-book) |
12 | Article | Fischer & Aarestrup | Relationships between construction grammar(s) and genre: Evidence from an analysis of Instagram posts |
13 | Article | Moore | Crying in a Russian preschool: Teachers' pragmatic acts in response to children's distress |
14 | Article | Vallauri | Presupposition, attention and cognitive load |
15 | Article | Marco & Arguedas | Mitigation revisited. An operative and integrated definition of the pragmatic concept, its strategic values, and its linguistic expression |
16 | Article | Tanaka | Ga in storytelling sequences in Japanese conversation: Evoking and invoking associations |
17 | Article | Kim | Korean ‘topic’ particle nun as a categorization resource for organizing retro-sequence: Redressing the situated action ‘on the periphery’ |
18 | Article | Musolff | Researching political metaphor cross-culturally: English, Hungarian, Greek and Turkish L1-based interpretations of the Nation as Body metaphor |
19 | Article | Bhatia | The discursive construction of legitimacy in the abrogation of Indian Constitution's Article 370 |
20 | Article | D'hondt | Why being there mattered: Staged transparency at the International Criminal Court |
21 | Article | Brown et al. | Cross-speaker repetition and epistemic stance in Tzeltal, Yucatec, and Zapotec conversations |
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