【每日刊讯】International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism《国际双语教育和双语杂志》2021年第24卷第9期-共15篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism《国际双语教育和双语杂志》最新一期、即2021年第24卷第9期的15篇论文(侵删)。
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism《国际双语教育和双语杂志》2021年第24卷第9期-共15篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Ordoñez et al. | ‘The best way to learn language is by not doing language’. Incorporating funds of identity for learning Spanish in a Shared Education Unit |
02 | Article | Halpin & Melzi | Code-switching in the narratives of dual-language Latino preschoolers |
03 | Article | Dale et al. | Towards a professional development tool for teachers of English in bilingual streams: the dynamics of beliefs and practices |
04 | Article | Möller | Promoting bilingualism at the primary and secondary level: the role of intelligence, motivation and anxiety |
05 | Article | Zheng | Translanguaging in a Chinese immersion classroom: an ecological examination of instructional discourses |
06 | Article | White | The development of English proficiency and working memory in 5–6 year old ELLs in their first year of formal education |
07 | Article | Wu et al. | Breadth or depth: the role of vocabulary in Chinese English-Language beginning writers’ development |
08 | Article | Russak | A study of literacy acquisition in English as a foreign language amongst native Hebrew and Arabic speaking pupils |
09 | Article | Yagata | Dilemmas in teaching heritage language learners: the voice of an L2 Spanish teacher candidate |
10 | Article | Tzouriziadou et al. | Teachers’ screening accuracy and language achievement for Roma students at risk for developmental disabilities: a Greek study |
11 | Article | Daly & Barbour | ‘Because, they are from here. It is their identity, and it is important’: teachers’ understanding of the role of translation in vernacular language maintenance in Malekula, Vanuatu |
12 | Article | Choi et al. | Bilingual signs at an ‘English only’ Korean university: place-making and ‘global’ space in higher education |
13 | Review | Xu & Li | Space, place and autonomy in language learning |
14 | Review | Lu & Wu | Schools of promise for multilingual students: transforming literacies, learning, and lives |
15 | Review | Feng & Shi | Corpus methodologies explained: an empirical approach to translation studies |
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