【每日刊讯】Discourse Studies《话语研究》2021年第23卷第5期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Discourse Studies《话语研究》最新一期、即2021年第23卷第5期的13篇论文(侵删)。
Discourse Studies《话语研究》2021年第23卷第5期-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Introduction | Arminen et al. | Expertise in interaction – Introduction |
02 | Article | Arminen & Simonen | Expertise as a domain in interaction |
03 | Article | Bassetti | The tacit dimension of expertise: Professional vision at work in airport security |
04 | Article | Fele & Campagnolo | Expertise and the work of football match analysts in TV sport |
05 | Article | Harms et al. | Expertise as a domain of epistemics in intensive care shift-handovers |
06 | Article | Lindwall &Lynch | “Are you asking me or are you telling me?”: Expertise, evidence, and blame attribution in a post-game interview |
07 | Article | Stevanovic | Deontic authority and the maintenance of lay and expert identities during joint decision making: Balancing resistance and compliance |
08 | Review | Miburn | Book review: Robin James Smith, Richard Fitzgerald, and William Housley (eds), On Sacks: Methodology, Materials, and Inspirations |
09 | Review | Pihlaja | Book review: Valerie Hobbs, An Introduction to Religious Language: Exploring Theolinguistics in Contemporary Contexts |
10 | Review | Song | Book review: Eliecer Crespo-Fernández (ed.), Discourse Studies in Public Communication |
11 | Review | Farahani | Book review: Mario Bisiada (ed.), Empirical studies in translation |
12 | Review | Zhao | Book review: Joyce Lamerichs, Susan J. Danby, Amanda Bateman and Stuart Ekberg (eds), Children and Mental Health Talk: Perspectives on Social Competence |
13 | Review | Limatius | Book review: Angela Zottola, Transgender Identities in the Press: A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis |
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