【每日刊讯】Child Language Teaching and Therapy 《儿童语言教育和治疗》2021年第37卷第3期-共8篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Child Language Teaching and Therapy 《儿童语言教育和治疗》最新一期、即2021年第37卷第3期共8篇论文(侵删)。
Child Language Teaching and Therapy 《儿童语言教育和治疗》2021年第37卷第3期-共8篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Snow | SOLAR: The Science of Language and Reading |
02 | Article | Serry & Levickis | Are Australian speech-language therapists working in the literacy domain with children and adolescents? If not, why not? |
03 | Article | McLean et al. | Dual-qualified teachers and speech-language therapists reflect on preparation and practice in school-based language and literacy |
04 | Article | Bailey et al. | Exploring spelling ability in school-aged children with literacy learning difficulties using data collected in a clinical setting |
05 | Article | Ramsey et al. | The effects of dialogic reading on the expressive vocabulary of pre-school aged children with moderate to severely impaired expressive language skills |
06 | Article | Vollebregt | Evidence for complementary effects of code- and knowledge-focused reading instruction |
07 | Article | Taylor et al. | A preliminary evaluation of a manualised intervention to improve early literacy skills in children with Developmental Language Disorder |
08 | Article | Dean | Pilot evaluation of a partner-supported online reading intervention for Grade 3–6 children |
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