【每日刊讯】Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》2021年第50卷第5期-共12篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》最新一期、即2021年第50卷第5期的12篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research《心理语言学研究杂志》2021年第50卷第5期-共12篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 特辑 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Language Development in Children | Article | Ralli | Oral Language and Story Retelling During Preschool and Primary School Years: Developmental Patterns and Interrelationships |
02 | Language Development in Children | Article | Stites & Özçalışkan | The Time is at Hand: Literacy Predicts Changes in Children’s Gestures About Time |
03 | Language Development in Children | Article | Hamdan & Smadi | Comprehension of Idioms by Jordanian Arabic-Speaking Children |
04 | Language Development in Children | Article | Artuso et al. | Implicit Representation of Grammatical Gender in Italian Children with Developmental Language Disorder: An Exploratory Study on Phonological and/or Syntactic Sensitivity |
05 | Language Development in Children | Article | Kivi et al. | The Comparative Effects of Teacher Versus Peer-Scaffolding on EFL Learners’ Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Reading Comprehension: A Socio-Cultural Perspective |
06 | Language Development in Children | Article | Yan & Liu | Subject Filled-gap Effects: A Self-paced Reading Study with Mandarin Learners of English |
07 | Language Development in Children | Article | Shirvan et al. | Where do Language Mindsets Come from? An Ecological Perspective on EFL Students’ Mindsets About L2 Writing |
08 | Language Development in Children | Article | Ebrahimi et al. | The Effect of Teaching Formulaic Expressions Through Contrastive Lexical Approach on Iranian Pre-intermediate EFL Learners' Writing Skill |
09 | Language Development in Children | Article | Safaie | Sensitivity to Regular and Irregular Past Tense Morphology in Native Speakers and Second Language Learners of English: Evidence From Intermediate‑to‑Advanced Persian Speakers of L2 English |
10 | Language Development in Children | Article | Alghonaim | Intrinsic Motivation and Speech Production in Saudi EFL College Students |
11 | Language Development in Children | Article | Abdolrezapour & Nasim Ghanbari | The Effect of Positive Psychology Intervention on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension |
12 | Language Development in Children | Article | Pikhart et al. | Psychosocial Rehabilitation Through Intervention by Second Language Acquisition in Older Adults |
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