【每日刊讯】Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2022年第191卷-共21篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》最新一期、即2022年第191卷的21篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of Pragmatics《语用学杂志》2022年第191卷-共21篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Niemi & Katila | Embodied and affective negotiation over spatial and epistemic group territories among school-children: (Re)producing moral orders in open learning environments |
02 | Article | Sheikhan & Haugh | Non-serious answers to (improper) questions in talk shows |
03 | Article | Vilinbakhova et al. | Tautologies, inferential processes and constraints on evoked knowledge |
04 | Article | Zappavigna | Social media quotation practices and ambient affiliation: Weaponising ironic quotation for humorous ridicule in political discourse |
05 | Article | Yuan & Lyu | Speech act matters: Commitment to what's said or what's implicated differs in the case of assertion and promise |
06 | Article | Vepsäläinen | Responses to advice-seeking on Reddit that do not give advice |
07 | Article | Tseng & Chuang | Metaphor and creativity in the act of making her heart flutter: Toward a cognitive-emotive perspective |
08 | Article | Alroumi | Assessments and actions: Instances from Arabic broadcast political interviews |
09 | Article | Fuoli & Bednarek | Emotional labor in webcare and beyond: A linguistic framework and case study |
10 | Review | Heim | Language and Social Minds: The Semantics and Pragmatics of Intersubjectivity, Vittorio Tantucci. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom; New York, NY (2021), 187, ISBN 9781108676441, GBP 85 (Hardcover) |
11 | Review | Zare & Derakhshan | General Extenders The Forms and Functions of a New Linguistic Category, Maryann Overstreet, George Yule. Cambridge University Press/Cambridge (2021), 238, pp. ISBN 9781108837231, $ 110.00 (Hardback) |
12 | Review | Boluwaduro | Argumentation between Doctors and Patients: Understanding Clinical Argumentative Discourse, Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Nanon Labrie. John Benjamins Publishing (Amsterdam) (2021), 155, ISBN 9789027208477, EUR 33.00 (paperback) |
13 | Review | Ye | Police Interviews: Communication Challenges and Solutions, Luna Filipović (Ed.). John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia (2021), 151, EUR 85.00 (e-book), ISBN: 978 90 272 59066 |
14 | Article | Koops & Lohmann | Explaining reversible discourse marker sequences: A case study of and and so |
15 | Article | Monson | Pampering customers with sweet talk: Negotiating politeness and (mock) conflict talk in Akan marketplace bargaining |
16 | Article | Macagno | Argumentation profiles and the manipulation of common ground. The arguments of populist leaders on Twitter |
17 | Article | Assimakopoulos | Ostension and the communicative function of natural language |
18 | Article | Blythe et al. | The epistemics of social relations in Murrinhpatha, Garrwa and Jaru conversations |
19 | Article | Kevoe-Feldman & Clara Iversen | Approaching institutional boundaries: Comparative conversation analysis of practices for assisting suicidal callers in emergency and suicide helpline calls |
20 | Article | Stokoe et al. | Preparing to talk: Behind-the-scenes planning between negotiators for subsequent communication with persons in crisis |
21 | Article | Truan | (When) Can I say Du to You? The metapragmatics of forms of address on German-Speaking Twitter |
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