【每日刊讯】Language and Dialogue《语言与对话》2022年第12卷第1期-共9篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是ESCI期刊—— Language and Dialogue《语言与对话》最新一期、即2022年第12卷第1期的9篇论文(侵删)
Language and Dialogue《语言与对话》2022年第12卷第1期-共9篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Introduction | Müller-Wood | When dialogue fails (and why) |
02 | Article | Gubitosi & Lifszyc | Lunfardo and political (dis)agreements in the public space |
03 | Article | Tang | The parasites of language |
04 | Article | Roxburgh | The collapse of dialogue, consent, and the controversy over Kristen Roupenian’s “Cat Person” |
05 | Article | Tanović | Letters to nowhere |
06 | Article | Gill | “Decorum will be strictly observed” |
07 | Article | Whitfield | Unspoken assumptions, deep holes and boundless expectations |
08 | Article | Lipari | Dialogue and speech centricity in the public sphere |
09 | Article | Perkins | Parity lost |
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