【每日刊讯】Studies in Second Language Acquisition《第二语言习得研究》2023年第45卷第5期-共16篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Studies in Second Language Acquisition《第二语言习得研究》最新一期、即2023年第45第5期的16篇论文(侵删)
Studies in Second Language Acquisition《第二语言习得研究》2023年第45卷第5期-共16篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Nils Jaekel1 et al. | Associations of students’ linguistic distance to the language of instruction and classroom composition with English reading and listening skills |
02 | Article | Henriette L. Arndt | Construction and validation of a questionnaire to study engagement in informal second language learning |
03 | Article | Veronika Thir | Co-text, context, and listening proficiency as crucial variables in intelligibility among nonnative users of English – ERRATUM |
04 | Article | Veronika Thir | Co-text, context, and listening proficiency as crucial variables in intelligibility among nonnative users of English |
05 | Article | Duygu F. Şafak | Cross-linguistic differences in predicting L2 sentence structure_ The use of categorical and gradient verb constraints |
06 | Article | María Sampedro Mella et al. | Language immersion effects in the use of tú and usted by L1-French and L1-European Portuguese learners of Spanish |
07 | Article | Vicky Chondrogianni & Morna Butcher | Mind the gap_ Psycholinguistic and individual factors affecting expressive and receptive vocabulary skills in English-Gaelic bilingual children |
08 | Article | Mostafa Papi et al. | Motivational dispositions predict qualitative differences in oral task performance |
09 | Article | Nick Henry | Reevaluating trials to criterion as a measure in second language research |
10 | Article | Ekaterina Sudina | Scale quality in second-language anxiety and WTC_ A methodological synthesis |
11 | Article | Rachael Lindberg et al. | Second language anxiety in conversation and its relationship with speakers’ perceptions of the interaction and their social networks |
12 | Article | ZhaoHong Han et al. | The complexity epistemology and ontology in second language acquisition_ A critical review |
13 | Article | Richard L. Sparks & Philip S. Dale | The prediction from MLAT to L2 achievement is largely due to MLAT assessment of underlying L1 abilities |
14 | Article | Tripp Strawbridge | The relationship between social network typology, L2 proficiency growth, and curriculum design in university study abroad |
15 | Article | Mason A. Wirtz & Simone E. Pfenninger | Variability and individual differences in L2 sociolinguistic evaluations_ The GROUP, the INDIVIDUAL and the HOMOGENEOUS ENSEMBLE |
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