【每日刊讯】Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》2023年9卷第S1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》最新一期、即2023年9卷第S1期的13篇论文(侵删)。
Linguistics Vanguard《语言学前沿》2023年9卷第S1期-共13篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Artilce | Delin Deng* & Fenqi Wang | A corpus-based study of quoi in French native speech |
02 | Artilce | Zoey Liu | A multifactorial approach to crosslinguistic constituent orderings |
03 | Artilce | OlenaShcherbakova* et al. | A quantitative global test of the complexity trade-off hypothesis_ the case of nominal and verbal grammatical marking |
04 | Artilce | Evie A. Malaia* et al. | Complexity in sign languages |
05 | Artilce | Christian Bentz* et al. | Complexity trade-offs and equi-complexity in natural languages a meta-analysis |
06 | Artilce | Kaius Sinnemäki* & Viljami Haakana | Head and dependent marking and dependency length in possessive noun phrases a typological study of morphological and syntactic complexity |
07 | Artilce | Folkert Kuiken* | Linguistic complexity in second language acquisition |
08 | Artilce | Maria Morozova* et al. | Linguistic complexity of South Slavic dialects a new perspective on old data |
09 | Artilce | Katharina Ehret et al. | Measuring language complexity challenges and opportunities |
10 | Artilce | Sterre Leufkens* | Measuring redundancy the relation between concord and complexity |
11 | Artilce | Jack Grieve* | Situational diversity and linguistic complexity |
12 | Artilce | Çağrı Çöltekin* & Taraka Rama | What do complexity measures measure_ Correlating and validating corpus-based measures of morphological complexity |
13 | Artilce | Dominique Brunato* & Giulia Venturi* | Why is this language complex_ Cherry-pick the optimal set of features in multilingual treebanks |
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