【限时资源,期刊全文】Journal of Phonetics特刊——On the cognitive nature of speech sound systems12篇论文
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊Journal of Phonetics特刊——On the cognitive nature of speech sound systems(《论语音系统的认知本质》)的12篇论文,其中目录可在正文查看,全文则可于三天内点击文末附件列表下载
Journal of Phonetics特刊——On the cognitive nature of speech sound systems12篇论文
卷号 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
Vol. 53 | Editorial | On the cognitive nature of speech sound systems |
Vol. 53 | Article 01 | COSMO (“Communicating about Objects using Sensory–Motor Operations”): A Bayesian modeling framework for studying speech communication and the emergence of phonological systems |
Vol. 53 | Article 02 | COSMO's “motor theory” is not the motor theory of Liberman, Cooper, and Mattingly |
Vol. 53 | Article 03 | Role of imitation in the emergence of phonological systems |
Vol. 53 | Article 04 | Open challenges in understanding development and evolution of speech forms: The roles of embodied self-organization, motivation and active exploration |
Vol. 53 | Article 05 | Modeling the emergence of syllabic structure |
Vol. 53 | Article 06 | Framing a socio-indexical basis for the emergence and cultural transmission of phonological systems |
Vol. 53 | Article 07 | Biology, culture, evolution and the cognitive nature of sound systems |
Vol. 53 | Article 08 | The emergence of phonetic–phonological features in a biologically inspired model of speech processing |
Vol. 53 | Article 09 | Strength of syllabic influences on articulation in Mandarin Chinese and French: Insights from a motor control approach |
Vol. 53 | Article 10 | Creating the cognitive form of phonological units: The speech sound correspondence problem in infancy could be solved by mirrored vocal interactions rather than by imitation |
Vol. 53 | Article 11 | Unifying speech and language in a developmentally sensitive model of production |
Vol. 53 | Article 12 | Bridging phonological system and lexicon: Insights from a corpus study of functional load |
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