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本期推送的是SSCI高引期刊——Journal of Second Language Wrtiting(《第二语言写作杂志》)2019年论文集,即第43-46卷共59篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接

Journal of Second Language Wrtiting《第二语言写作杂志》2019年论文集-59篇论文(侵删)




Vol. 43Article 01Thesis and dissertation writing in a second language: Context, identity, genre
Vol. 43Article 02Identity, voice and agency in two EAL doctoral writing contexts
Vol. 43Article 03Developing an authorial voice in PhD multilingual student writing: The reader’s perspective
Vol. 43Article 04Transdisciplinary becoming as a gendered activity: A reflexive study of dissertation mentoring
Vol. 43Article 05The lived experience of thesis writers in group writing conferences: The quest for “perfect” and “critical”
Vol. 43Article 06You can’t be Shakespearean talking about the institutionalisation of sex offenders: Creativity and creative practices of multilingual doctoral writers
Vol. 43Article 07Performing expertise in doctoral dissertations: Thoughts on a fundamental dilemma facing doctoral students and their supervisors
Vol. 43Article 08Anguish and anxiety, stress and strain: Attending to writers’ stress in the dissertation process
Vol. 43Article 09Academic writing support through individual consultations: EAL doctoral student experiences and evaluation
Vol. 43Article 10Re-writing the doctorate: New contexts, identities, and genres
Vol. 43Article 11The Discourse of Peer Review: Reviewing Submissions to Academic Journals, Brian Paltridge. Palgrave Macmillan. London, England (2017). 242 pp. Hardcover $119.99. E-Book $89.00.
Vol. 44Article 12Selected bibliography of recent scholarship in second language writing
Vol. 44Article 13Use of lexical features in non-native academic writing
Vol. 44Article 14Student perceptions of non-native English speaking tutors at a writing center in Japan
Vol. 44Article 15Citation as a social practice in a TESOL graduate program: A language socialization approach
Vol. 44Article 16“So and so” says, states and argues: A corpus-assisted engagement analysis of reporting verbs
Vol. 44Article 17Syntactic complexity and writing quality in assessed first-year L2 writing
Vol. 44Article 18Effects of intertextual processing on L2 integrated writing
Vol. 44Article 19Teaching Writing for Academic Purposes to Multilingual Students: Instructional Approaches, John Bitchener, Neomy Storch, Rosemary Wette (Eds.). Routledge (2017). pp. 220. Paperback: US $46.95 Hardback: US$160.00.
Vol. 44Article 20Collaborations and Innovations: Supporting Multilingual Writers Across Campus Units. Nancy DeJoy and Beatrice Quarshie Smith (Eds.). University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI (2017). 230 pp. Paperback: $26.3; Ebook: $19.99.
Vol. 44Article 21The Essential Hyland: Studies in Applied Linguistics, Ken Hyland. Bloomsbury Publishing, London & New York (2018). pp. 506, Paperback: £22.49 (US $30.56), Hardback: £67.50 (US $91.80), EBook: £21.58 (US $24.44).
Vol. 44Article 22Academic Biliteracies: Multilingual Repertoires in Higher Education. David M. Palfreyman Christa van der Walt, Bristol Multilingual Matters (2017), 224 pp., Paperback: $39.95; eBook: $35.00.
Vol. 44Article 23English in the disciplines: A multidimensional model for ESP course design, Christoph A. Hafner and Lindsay Miller, Routledge, London and New York (2019), 294 pp., Paperback: £97.75; eBook: £35.99.
Vol. 44Article 24On Writtenness: The Cultural Politics of Academic Writing Joan Turner London Bloomsbury (2018) 289 pp., £63.59 (Paperback).
Vol. 44Article 25Olga Majchrzak. Learner Identity and Learner Beliefs in EFL Writing, Springer, Berlin, GER (2018) 269 pp. Hardcover: US$89.
Vol. 44Article 26Selected bibliography of recent scholarship in second language writing
Vol. 44Article 27Standards of English in academic writing: A response to McKinley and Rose
Vol. 44Article 28Standards of English in academic writing: The authors respond
Vol. 45Article 29The underrepresented sibling of the Symposium on Second Language Writing—A report from Mainland China
Vol. 45Article 30Comparing the effect of collaborative and individual prewriting on EFL learners’ writing development
Vol. 45Article 31The associations between working memory and the effects of four different types of written corrective feedback
Vol. 45Article 32Towards a quantitative model of understanding the dynamics of collaboration in collaborative writing
Vol. 45Article 33The role of working memory in young second language learners’ written performances
Vol. 45Article 34Investigating written corrective feedback: (Mis)alignment of teachers’ beliefs and practice
Vol. 45Article 35Are two heads always better than one? The effects of collaborative planning on L2 writing in relation to task complexity
Vol. 45Article 36Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods, Tricia Serviss and Sandra Jamieson (Eds.). Utah State University Press (2017). pp. 266. Paperback: $33.95. Ebook: $27.
Vol. 45Article 37The Internationalization of US Writing Programs, Shirley K. Rose and Irwin Weiser (Eds.). Utah State University Press, Logan, UT (2018); Paperback: $33.95; E-book $27.95.
Vol. 45Article 38Susan Carter and Deborah Laurs, (Eds.), Developing Research Writing: A Handbook for Supervisors and Advisors, 2018, Routledge/Taylor & Francis; New York and UK, 258 pp. Paperback: £31.99, US$50.95.
Vol. 45Article 39A. Cheng, (Ed), Genre and graduate-level research writing, 2018, University of Michigan Press; Ann Arbor, MI, Paper 978-0-472-03706-3 $27.00 U.S. Ebook 978-0-472-12454-1 $23.00.
Vol. 45Article 40Elena Sheldon, Knowledge construction in academia: A challenge for multilingual scholars, 2018, Peter Lang; Berlin, Germany, Pp. 248, Paperback: $63.95.
Vol. 45Article 41Pedagogies and Policies for Publishing Research in English: Local Initiatives Supporting International Scholars, James N. Corcoran, Karen Englander, Laura-Mihaela Muresan (Eds.), Routledge, New York (2019), pp. 299. Paperback: £29.59; Hardback £88.00; eBook £18.50
Vol. 45Article 42Selected bibliography of recent scholarship in second language writing
Vol. 45Article 43Using intercultural rhetoric to examine translingual practices of postgraduate L2 writers of English
Vol. 46Article 44Syntactic complexity development in the writings of EFL learners: Insights from a dependency syntactically-annotated corpus
Vol. 46Article 45The writing of Spanish majors: A longitudinal analysis of syntactic complexity
Vol. 46Article 46Developing L2 writing teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge of genre through the unfamiliar genre project
Vol. 46Article 47Effects of teacher-scaffolded and self-scaffolded corrective feedback compared to direct corrective feedback on grammatical accuracy in English L2 writing
Vol. 46Article 48Grammatical complexity: ‘What Does It Mean’ and ‘So What’ for L2 writing classrooms?
Vol. 46Article 49Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community, Lynne Bowker, Jairo Buitrago Ciro, Emerald Publishing, Bingley (2019), pp. 128, Hardback: £60.00
Vol. 46Article 50L2 Writing Beyond English, Nur Yiğitoğlu, Melinda Reichelt (Eds.), Multilingual Matters (2019), pp. 242. Hardback: US $149.95. Ebook: US $40.00
Vol. 46Article 51Selected bibliography of recent scholarship in second language writing
Vol. 46Article 52DD Editors' introduction: The place of language in second language writing
Vol. 46Article 53Keeping the language in second language writing classes
Vol. 46Article 54Potentials of writing-to-learn-language activities from second language acquisition research
Vol. 46Article 55Learning through language: A response to Polio, “Keeping the language in second language classes”
Vol. 46Article 56More than “language focus boxes”: The place of language in genre-based pedagogies
Vol. 46Article 57Considering the importance of L2 learners’ writing needs
Vol. 46Article 58Focusing on language in second language writing classrooms: Rethinking the approach
Vol. 46Article 59Exploring L2 writers’ source-text use in an integrated writing assessment
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