【限时资源,特辑全文】Neuropsychologia《神经心理学》特辑The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction《语言预测的神经基础》-共12篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI、SCIE期刊——Neuropsychologia《神经心理学》的一期特辑The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction《语言预测的神经基础》,共12篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction《语言预测的神经基础》-共12篇论文(侵删)
特辑 | 论文号 | 论文题目 |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article01 | Meaning-driven syntactic predictions in a parallel processing architecture: Theory and algorithmic modeling of ERP effects |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article02 | What's “left”? Hemispheric sensitivity to predictability and congruity during sentence reading by older adults |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article03 | Evaluating information-theoretic measures of word prediction in naturalistic sentence reading |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article04 | Distinguishing integration and prediction accounts of ERP N400 modulations in language processing through experimental design |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article05 | Anticipating information structure: An event-related potentials study of focus assignment via the it-cleft |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article06 | Flexible predictions during listening comprehension: Speaker reliability affects anticipatory processes |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article07 | Robust effects of predictability across experimental contexts: Evidence from event-related potentials |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article08 | Do domain-general executive resources play a role in linguistic prediction? Re-evaluation of the evidence and a path forward |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article09 | Prediction of phonological and gender information: An event-related potential study in Italian |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article10 | Prediction of phonological and gender information: An event-related potential study in Italian |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article11 | Semantic constraint, reading control, and the granularity of form-based expectations during semantic processing: Evidence from ERPs |
The Neural Basis of Linguistic Prediction | Article12 | fMRI reveals language-specific predictive coding during naturalistic sentence comprehension |
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