






【永久资源,期刊全文】Language Learning & Technology《语言学习和技术》2019年论文集-共36篇论文(侵删)

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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Language Learning & Technology《语言学习和技术》2019年论文集、即第23卷第1-3期共36篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,该资源永久有效!


Language Learning & Technology《语言学习和技术》2019年论文集-共36篇论文(侵删)

Vol. 23Issue 1Article 01What are the digital wilds?
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 02Riding the digital wilds: Learner autonomy and informal language learning
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 03Technique efficacy when using a student response system in the reading classroom
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 04Review of New technologies and language learning
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 05Review of Autonomous language learning with technology beyond the classroom
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 06Review of Language teacher education and technology: Approaches and practices
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 07Fan translation of games, anime, and fanfiction
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 08Language learning in the wild: A young user perspective
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 09Commercial-off-the-shelf games in the digital wild and L2 learner vocabulary
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 10Quantity and diversity of informal digital learning of English
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 11Bronies learning English in the digital wild
Vol. 23Issue 1Article 12Call for papers for a special issue on Big Data in Language Education and Research
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 13The affordances of process-tracing technologies for supporting L2 writing instruction
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 14Review of Technology-enhanced teaching and learning of Chinese as a foreign language
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 15Review of LearningBranch
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 16Collaborative writing and text quality in Google Docs
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 17Effect of using texting on vocabulary instruction for English learners
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 18The effect of two forms of computer-automated metalinguistic corrective feedback
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 19How captions help people learn languages: A working-memory, eye-tracking study
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 20Vocabulary learning and retention through multimedia glossing
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 21Does a 3D immersive experience enhance Mandarin writing by CSL students?
Vol. 23Issue 2Article 22The impact of video and written feedback on student preferences of English speaking practice
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 23New developments in virtual exchange in foreign language education
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 24Telecollaboration as an approach to developing intercultural communication competence
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 25Exploring multimedia, mobile learning, and place-based learning in linguacultural education
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 26Call For Papers
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 27Review of Corpus linguistics for vocabulary: A guide for research
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 28Review of A guide to using corpora for English language learners
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 29Review of Comunicación mediada por tecnologías: Aprendizaje y enseñanza de la lengua extranjera
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 30The formative role of teaching presence in blended Virtual Exchange
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 31Critical incidents and cultures-of-use in a Hong Kong–Germany telecollaboration
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 32Experiential learning of telecollaborative competences in pre-service teacher education
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 33Towards a Comprehensive Model of Negotiated Interaction in Computer-mediated Communication
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 34Engagement and Attitude in Telecollaboration: Topic and cultural background effects
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 35Telecollaboration for content and language learning: A Genre-based approach
Vol. 23Issue 3Article 36Developing intercultural competence through study abroad, telecollaboration, and on-campus language study
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