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101ArticleThe Correlation between Translation Equivalence, as a Vocabulary Learning Strategy, and Tunisian EFL Learners’ Speaking Anxiety
102ArticleHow to be Brief: Children’s and Adults’ Application of Grice’s Brevity Maxim in Production
103ArticleEnglish Adverbial and Determiner Negation: A Problematic Area for Arabic Translators
104ArticleActions as a Basis for Online Embodied Concepts
105ArticleOn the Latin Origins of Spanish mediante
106ArticleExpert–Novice Negotiation within Learning Opportunities in Online Intercultural Interactions
107ArticleImmersive Virtual Reality as an Effective Tool for Second Language Vocabulary Learning
108ArticleThe Role of Elision in Evolutionary Processes
109ArticleCompetition Strategies during Writing in a Second Language: Age and Levels of Complexity
110ArticleGrammatical Words and Spreading of Contexts: Evidence from the Spanish Preposition a
111ArticleAdolescent ELLs Improve Their Academic English while Learning about the UN Online
112ArticleSlot-and-Frame Schemas in the Language of a Polish- and English-Speaking Child: The Impact of Usage Patterns on the Switch Placement
113ArticleField-Testing Code-Switching Constraints: A Report on a Strategic Languages Project
114ArticleRefunctionalization. First-Person Plural of the Verb Haber in the History of Spanish
115ArticleDeveloping Professional Communication: The Construction of a Multimodal Understanding of Job Interviews
116EditorialAcknowledgement to Reviewers of Languages in 2018
117ArticleLearning Labels for Objects: Does Degree of Sensorimotor Experience Matter?
118ArticleScaffolding Embodied Access for Categorization in Interactions between a Blind Child and Her Mother
119ArticleL1 Transfer in L2 Acquisition of English Verbal Morphology by Japanese Young Instructed Learners
201ArticleLaw and Business Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English for Specific Purposes within CLIL and Non-CLIL Contexts
202Article“My Child Is a Perfect Bilingual”: Cognition, Emotions, and Affectivity in Heritage Language Transmission
203ArticleRevisiting the Use of the Proximity Lexicon in the Classroom for Immigrant Populations at Risk of Social Exclusion: Does It Really Help?
204ArticleFrom Hispanisms to Anglicisms: Examining the Perception and Treatment of Native Linguistic Features Associated with Interference in Translator Training
205ArticleThe Emergence and Development of Syntactic Patterns in EFL Writing in a School Context: A Longitudinal Study
206ArticleBringing Purported Black Sheep into the Fold: Galician Inflected Infinitives and Puerto Rican Spanish Pre-Verbal Infinitival Subject Pronouns
207ArticleNonstandard Use of the “Reflexive” Affix -sja in Russian Speech of Bilingual Speakers of Northern Siberia and the Russian Far East
208ArticleThe Linguistic Landscape of the Valencian Community: A Comparative Analysis of Bilingual and Multilingual Signs in Three Different Areas
209ArticleOn the Relationship of the Degrees of Correspondence of Dialects and Distances
210ArticleVirtual Reality in the Teaching of FLE in a Brazilian Public School
211ArticleThe Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study
213ArticleGaze as a Window to the Process of Novel Adjective Mapping
214ArticleThe Use of the Present Perfect (pretérito perfecto compuesto) with Aoristic Value in the Speech of Latin American Students
215ArticleInterplay of Phonological, Morphological, and Lexical Variation: Adjectives in Japanese Dialects
216ArticleOn the Acceptance of the Null That by Bilingual Catalan/Spanish L2 Learners of English
217ArticleTonal Proximity Relationship in the Spanish of the Canary Islands in the Light of Dialectometry
218ArticleEcocomposition in the ESL Classroom: The Campus Space Compare and Contrast Assignment
219ArticleDetection of Gender-Biased Items in the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
220ArticleThe History of the Spanish Preposition Mediante. Beyond the Theory of Grammaticalization
221CommunicationMaintaining Quality Online: Piloting an Online Language Course for Immigrants in Finland
222ErratumErratum: Patience, Matthew: Acquisition of the Tap-Trill Contrast by L1 Mandarin–L2 English–L3 Spanish Speakers. Languages 3 (2018): 42
223ReviewAddressing the Challenge of Verbal Irony: Getting Serious about Sarcasm Training
224ArticleLevels of Reality
225ArticleSound Symbolism Facilitates Long-Term Retention of the Semantic Representation of Novel Verbs in Three-Year-Olds
226ArticleThe Development of the Articles in Castilian: A Functional Approach
301ErratumErratum: From Hispanisms to Anglicisms: Examining the Perception and Treatment of Native Linguistic Features Associated with Interference in Translator Training. Languages 4 (2019): 42
302ArticleDeveloping Oral Comprehension Skills with Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education
303ArticleLanguage Education for Forced Migrants: Governance and Approach
304ArticleCoptic Language Learning and Social Media
305ArticleSounds over Symbols? The Role of Auditory Cues in Orthographically-Correlated Speech Behavior
306ArticleLanguage Learning Tool for Refugees: Identifying the Language Learning Needs of Syrian Refugees Through Participatory Design
307ArticleEducation and Input as Predictors of Second Language Attainment in Naturalistic Contexts
308ArticleThe Late(r) Bird Gets the Verb? Effects of Age of Acquisition of English on Adult Heritage Speakers’ Knowledge of Subjunctive Mood in Spanish
309ArticleLanguage and Math: What If We Have Two Separate Naming Systems?
310ArticleControl Stimuli in Experimental Code-Switching Research
311ReviewEducating Refugee-Background Students: Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts. Edited by Shawna Shapiro, Raichle Farrelly and Mary Jane Curry, Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2018, 264p. ISBN: 978-1-78309-996-2
312ArticleStructural Priming, Levels of Awareness, and Agency in Contact-Induced Language Change
313Article‘Language Is Your Dignity’: Migration, Linguistic Capital, and the Experience of Re/De-Valuation
314ArticleTranslingual Practices and Reconstruction of Identities in Maghrebi Students in Galicia
315ArticleMeasuring Language Dominance in Early Spanish/English Bilinguals
316ArticleExploring Learning Context Effects and Grapho(-Phonic)-Phonological Priming in Trilinguals
317ArticleCommunicative Acts Used by Emergent Trilingual Pupils in English Classrooms in the Basque Autonomous Community
318ArticleUsing Eye-Movements to Track Bilingual Activation
319ArticleGender Assignment to Spanish Pseudowords by Monolingual and Basque-Spanish Bilingual Children
320Article“Arguments That Could Possibly Be Urged”: Modal Verbs and Tentativeness in the Coruña Corpus
321ArticleThe Role of Language Policy Documents in the Internationalisation of Multilingual Higher Education: An Exploratory Corpus-Based Study
322ArticleLexical Crosslinguistic Influence and Study Abroad: Do Learners Use L1-Based Resources Less?
323ArticleL3 Sentence Processing: Language-Specific or Phenomenon-Sensitive?
324ArticleHeritage Portuguese and Heritage Polish in Contact with German: More Evidence on the Production of Objects
325ArticleThe Identity Construction of Migrants on Facebook
326ArticleThe Conceptualization of English Phrasal Verbs by Greek Primary School Learners: An Empirical Cognitive Approach
327ArticleBecoming Monolingual: The Impact of Language Ideologies on the Loss of Multilingualism on São Tomé Island
328ArticlePolite Language Forms as Markers of an Emerging New Language Order in Nikkei-Brazilian Japanese
329ArticleRapid Access to Scalar Implicatures in Adjacency Pair Contexts: Experimental Evidence in Spanish
330ArticleMetaphor and Metonymy in Food Idioms
331ArticleExtraction of Terms Related to Named Rivers
401ArticleExploratory Research for the Improvement of the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language in a Spanish Public Center
402EditorialFormal and Methodological Approaches to Applied Linguistics (Languages Special Issue)
403ArticleArabic-Spanish Language Contact in Puerto Rico: A Case of Glottal Stop Epenthesis
404ArticleOrganisational Skills in Academic Writing: A Study on Coherence and Cohesion in Pakistani Research Abstracts
405ArticleEnglish Focus Perception by Mandarin Listeners
406ArticleConstructed Action in American Sign Language: A Look at Second Language Learners in a Second Modality
407ArticleA Study of Tenselessness in Rengma (Western)
408ArticleThe Development of Subject Position in Dutch-Dominant Heritage Speakers of Spanish: From Age 9 to Adulthood
409ArticleEthics-Based Computer Science in Bilingual and Multicultural Schools
410ArticleEmerging Constructions in the L2 Italian Spoken by Low Literate Migrants
411ArticleExamination of Manner of Motion Sound Symbolism for English Nonce Verbs
412ArticleLack of Syllable Duration as a Post-Lexical Acoustic Cue in Spanish in Contact with Maya
413Article“Esa no soy Yo”: Self-Image and Name Change from the Perspective of Female Immigrants
414ArticleBilingual Alignments
415ArticleDifferential Access: Asymmetries in Accessing Features and Building Representations in Heritage Language Grammars
416ArticleAn Exploratory Study of ASL Demonstratives
417ReviewEmphasis Harmony in Arabic: A Critical Assessment of Feature-Geometric and Optimality-Theoretic Approaches
418ArticleSpanish Grammatical Gender Interference in Papiamentu
419ArticleThe ‘Carbon Capture’ Metaphor: An English-Arabic Terminological Case Study
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