【限时资源,期刊全文】Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism《双语语言学方法》2020年第10卷第1期-共6篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism《双语语言学方法》2020年第10卷第1期的6篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效
Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism《双语语言学方法》2020年第10卷第1期-共6篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Editorial | / | LAB at ten! |
02 | Article | Putnam & Klosinski | The good, the bad, and the gradient |
03 | Article | Rafi | Processing backward translation at intermediate L2 proficiency |
04 | Article | Crossley et al. | The action dynamics of native and non-native speakers of English in processing active and passive sentences |
05 | Article | Cabo | Examining the role of cross-generational attrition in the development of Spanish as a heritage language |
06 | Article | Li et al. | The influence of the native language on phonological preparation in spoken word production in a second language |
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