【限时资源,期刊全文】Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》2020年第33卷第4期-共12篇论文
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》最新一期、即2020年第33卷第4期的12篇论文,其中目录可在正文中查看,全文可以点击文末附件列表下载,下载链接即日起三天内有效,失
Reading and Writing《阅读与写作》2020年第33卷第4期-共12篇论文
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Filipe et al. | The link between executive functions and literacy: introduction |
02 | Article | Cordeiro et al. | Do executive functions contribute to writing quality in beginning writers? A longitudinal study with second graders |
03 | Article | Davies et al. | Does audio-visual binding as an integrative function of working memory influence the early stages of learning to write? |
04 | Article | Filipe et al. | Executive functions and pragmatics in children with high-functioning autism |
05 | Article | Salas & Silvente | The role of executive functions and transcription skills in writing: a cross-sectional study across 7 years of schooling |
06 | Article | Van Reybroeck & De Rom | Children with dyslexia show an inhibition domain-specific deficit in reading |
07 | Article | Bourke et al. | Writing with imagination: the influence of hot and cold executive functions in children with autism characteristics and typically developing peers |
08 | Article | Hooper et al. | The relationship of teacher ratings of executive functions to emergent literacy in Head Start |
09 | Article | Georgiou et al. | Cultural influences on the relation between executive functions and academic achievement |
10 | Article | Larigauderie et al. | Proofreading by students: implications of executive and non-executive components of working memory in the detection of phonological, orthographical, and grammatical errors |
11 | Article | Nguyen et al. | Executive functions and components of oral reading fluency through the lens of text complexity |
12 | Article | Papadopoulos et al. | A longitudinal investigation of the double dissociation between reading and spelling deficits: the role of linguistic and executive function skills |
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