690 阅读 2020-02-14 11:49:56 上传
This is short tutorial,Showing some more advanced features of the automatic palate tracing again clicking of the left button and again we can click the Create vocal tract button and we start Recording.Vocal track palate there.Sometimes you might get parts of the palate that extend beyond the region.Many things reasonable.Like so,And you can edit this by just clicking and dragging,To add some height and and you can see that it's erased the black region and the green line is more aware likely where the palate truly.And we can again,We can save that.There is an additional chrome,Extra option,Two and sure the tongue tracking.At the same time,This is.Possibly if some use and I'd be interested in some feedback,If you are unhappy with the palate trace and just.Click on the link and create vocal tract,And it will create it.Attempt to create it.So it's really quite quick to adjust and turn reading.