545 阅读 2020-02-14 11:52:52 上传
in the previous video we measured the lip distance along in this first vertical spline and I would quite like to measure the protrusion as well so we've selected this second chart here we'll add edit the analysis values and then we're going to create a new one and this is going to be and this again is going to be a 2d spline this time we just want to measure the position of this upper lip spline along in this measure and here so this padishah was fiducial explained for and the spline that we're measuring is the upper lip it's measuring the upper lip protrusion so close this now should be able to access and there we've got the measurement here of the protrusion silver stein tough four points there we go there's a peeking protrusion back down another peek there buying another slightly smaller peak and then one final pitch at the end there so here we can see these these changes in both distance between lips and the protrusion of the upper lip if we wish we can change the colors of these as well so to make them more distinct so I made that upper plot let's say right give me the line little bit thicker so it's easier to see the distance written