597 阅读 2020-02-14 15:11:11 上传
This video shows how to adjust brightness and contrast and to find their controls for brightness and contrast.Click on the plus button at the bottom.This pops up a new set of buttons.If you click on the top one,Which is the outside settings button.It shows the brightness and contrast controls.If we slide the brightness,You can see goes dark too very light.If just contrast,Contrast,Increases or decreases.And a final control enhance contrast and enhances the contrast at the top of the display,Or at the bottom of the display.And usually these controls should be somewhere around by the middle,But it can vary depending on the approach that you are using.So here we'll just adjust the contrast a little bit to make him a bit brighter.You take their brightness,Stones of the background is not quite bright and maybe enhance the brightness of the surface of the tongue.In contrast,The lower reach.Once you're happy with the brightness and contrast just click the tick.And you can close the extra set buttons by clicking the plus again.And there we go,That's the brightness and contrast adjuster.