






formant lab , part 2

687 阅读 2020-02-20 16:29:53 上传

the second portion of the lab we're going to use the format history function,look at the formants of some vowels,the first thing you need to do is purge the windows,you just filled right click in the window select the purge option and it will empty same for the bottom window.we click on the top window to make it your active recording window and now you're going to sing the valve at the specified pictures assignment.I will demo styid that.

the second portion of the lab we're going to use the format history function,look at the formants of some vowels,the first thing you need to do is purge the windows,you just filled right click in the window select the purge option and it will empty same for the bottom window.we click on the top window to make it your active recording window and now you're going to sing the valve at the specified pictures assignment.I will demo styid that.now instead of just looking at a slice through each you want to look at a good portion of it so that we can get an average,hold down the shift key,click and hold the mouse and drag it,stop cursing,each utterance,then click on the lower window to make it active look on analysis format history selected data and your bottom window is going to be populated by a series of dots different colored dots represent different formant frequencies,it just ticks button are the numerical statistics button which is the one immediately to the left,the record button click it and it will tell you the range of the first formant three hundred and twenty to three hundred and forty eight Hertz.it's mean frequency you can either copy that to the clipboard and paste it directly into your lab report.I use the save as function and save it as a comma delineated file that you can dump into an excel spreadsheet click next to go to the second format and that's as far as you need to go.would you lower window go back to the top window make it active by clicking on it hold on shift again click drag look on your lower window to make it active analysis history selected data and again you noticed that things have moved we can look at to sticks you will see that you are mean frequencies have changed for both the first and the second formant again record those data for your lab report either by copying to clipboard .saving is a comma delineated file that you can put in excel or just manually frequencies when you're done remember to save your sound files as you did before with the file save function going to the signal files which then you will.now call probably lab three be and finally three see for the next one that you do and again click on the lower window and save a bit map image of it that you can paste into your document sometimes things get mixed up.if you look very closely at this you can see that out in the third and the fourth formant .I'm green dots that are representative of the third format that are getting intermingled with the fourth.now that wouldn't be a catastrophe for us doing this example because you're only looking at the,but sometimes in when you sing its going to happen perhaps for the first two formants as well the way we fix that is to right click in the window go to the FM t set up and we're going to experiment with using different windows .if we need to different filter orders noticed that when I changed from a black man when  a rectangular window,things got considerably better they might get better still if I changed my filter order note that didn't help it made it worse let's go to ten twelve was actually the best we could try a triangular window and see what happens you're getting the best signal on rectanglar will try for a covaryiance auto correlation was better and now we see that we still have a few places where the formats get intermingled.I'm way that we could deal with this would be to shorten the segment .we analyze we could drag or cursor over here.we're going to try to just get that portion that was good.am back and purge your window analysis formant history.now we have got some good meaningful data because nothing is confused,go to our results,and now we would have good average is the first three formonths even forced for formant now you'll only need to do that procedure that I did if you are orange red dots in the lab will be there to help you in case that happens when all is done purge your results and save your file or save your files first and then purge your results programming the computer will be prepared the next user exit the program and compile your results right up your experience in your good luck
