






Kay-Pentax空气动力系统的操作 part 2 of 3

1389 阅读 2020-02-21 19:03:02 上传

The where this is a bit different than the csl is if we did another protocol here,you do multiple protocols, and all capital,add to the existing statistical data.So we're gonna do uh who's posting efficiency.Other, let me just do work efficiency.there. Do our threshold,hit our statistical results.And i'll ask you, you want to replace these results, append them,or make an average of them.we're gonna append them just so I can show you how that looksand two.

The where this is a bit different than the csl is if we did another protocol here,you do multiple protocols, and all capital,add to the existing statistical data.So we're gonna do uh who's posting efficiency.Other, let me just do work efficiency.there. Do our threshold,hit our statistical results.And i'll ask you, you want to replace these results, append them,or make an average of them.we're gonna append them just so I can show you how that looksand two.Oh So it's all in the.Same Table The same table. Okay Cool. SoAnd that's basically interesting. Based on what study?The replicating which I don't know yet.So we may want to play around a little bit based on what study replicate.So I just a quick review,Thanks to remember make sure it's plugged in,Yeah,Guy that be here? You know,you calibrate it. If it asks you to.And Then You,User protocols in a platter threshold and create your statistics the job of the aerodynamic Is make sure that the Which boxes .Back on a when you're done and that you're unpluged in the egg is plugged in.That way. That's gonna be our default For now until we'll work something else out with in terms of the plugs in terms of the this little plastic mask, you said that was reusable or.Yeah, but I mean it's I think for your guy's purposes,For the evening, you should use it Disposable with the same person.And Just demo the cleaning of it.Because for a reusable one, you can't clean between uses.Yeah, a lot of things these days. I think they're doing the.But I think the yeah uh the what what do they call hospital precaution people,  whatever,The people come around,They're not happy with reusable masks.So You Know The rules.The ones and we you know we just we buy boxes,And a booklet. Uh It's a little black book that was in.This area about.How to clean everything. So,Um God I'm right about kim star. So the last thing I.Live with their help open help, What about flow? Should be just demo pressure all.Is that one of the protocols for flow? You do not use the interaural tube,What is it saying? What do you I might recognize about capacity air pressure screening maximum state Information comfortable system Information variation voicing efficiency. In running speech,you see what this one looks like.Uh This is pitch sound pressure in your flow.Yeah.I'll take a look, You That That's one,For once you get comfortable with user defined protocolsyou can just say you want to do that,All right.Flow I find useful for people with vocal fold paralysis vocal nodules that sort of thing in which maybe there's higher low,Uh Somebody's hyperfunction.Else best. Mike dysphonia has low air flow values, for example.That's all.
