835 阅读 2020-02-27 15:01:12 上传
Really proud,This is an amazing product, super easy to use.So accessible and possibilities are really endless all the developers the engineers making a really good product.One of the really cool new features with tobii glasses to is the wireless live view function,which allows you to to watch in real time what a respondent or person is looking at.we've listened to our users,we've observed them in the field,We've seen what works,what didn't work so well with our previous pair of glasses you know who was actually using the glasses,what it's like to put the glasses on the fact that they're extremely lightweight,They have an unobscured side view for natural viewing that the entire system is really compact in wearable eye tracking that's on the market today.If you want I track somebody you really wanna catch what they're looking at.then you need a full hd wide view scene camera and you need for eye cameras to be able to catch all what person sees.And that is the concept we call true view,With a new mapping tools in the software,we can be much more efficient than crunching large sets of data.And you can also do powerful We shall I say shares.You can do lots of statistics based on those records.Things with glasses 1,we revolutionized eye tracking market with glasses 2 we will do it again.