562 阅读 2020-02-28 13:39:25 上传
This is a brief illustration of how you can use a Tobii T60 eye TRACKER and tobii studio software.to find usability problems on an online store website.The tobii eye tracking system is so portable that the test room could be a mall, a cafe,or any other place where you have easy access to participants.With the appropriate profiles.Setting up the system is really easy and takes less than 10 minutes.The laptop is equipped with tobii studio software.which is a Complete usability test suite.It supports the entire research process to records not only eye tracking data.but also the screen,the participants voice.facial expressions, mouse clicks, key strokes, and more.Setup is not Complete.Our first respondent takes her place in front of the tobii T60 eye TRACKER.After a quick calibration of the eye TRACKER,the participants given the first task,compare to digital cameras of your choice.The participant is left alone to Complete the task,without being interrupted by questions or losing focus while trying to express her thoughts.The test leader could look at the gaze in real time.making observations as a test goes on.If you have a viewing room, you can invite other stakeholders to observe.Looking at the participants.gaze in real time will captivate them and immerse them in the user experience.Once the tasks are done,it's time for a retrospective,thank aloud interview or RTA.Tobii studio will replay the participants gaze while recording the interview,The gazs replay works as a memory cue,helping the participant to remember what she was thinking of sovlving the task.in qualitative usability testing Using eye tracking the number of participants usually varies from five to 15 We are using eight participants in this study.In most cases, this is enough to find all important usability problems.The last participant has left,and it's time to analyze the recordings.In tobii studio, we find tools to replay structure,analyze,and visualize the recordings.We start by adding observations such as confused or having a problem to our recordings.We then have instant access to replays and visualization of critical parts of the user experience.Heat maps and gaze plots show how the participants navigate the website and where they turn their attention.In this case, the gazs plot describes the behavior of a typical user.and indicates whether participants would have liked to see a link that allows comparisons.This is also confirmed by the retrospective. Think aloud interviews.Our suggestion is to put a button that says compare cameras,here on the camera overview page,we export animated gaze plot and heat map sequences that show some typical behavior,These are ideal for presenting typical behavior visually,and backing up the conclusions in the report.Creating a report with conclusions supported by eye tracking is easy.Just copy and paste it into a PowerPoint presentation.You will end up with an objective reliable easy to grasp, and convincing report.You're done. The report can now speak for itself.Do you need additional Information on what else tobii eye tracking systems can do in usability testing?Would you like to schedule a tour of the high tech demonstration methodology, consultancy, or a training session?Would you like to receive a quote for purchase or rent of a tobii eye tracking system?Just contact us.