






学习如何使用Tobii Glasses 2

946 阅读 2020-02-28 17:19:21 上传

Tobii Glasses 2,the next generation.Wearable eye tracking tool from tobii,designed to enable easy,Size and efficient collection of eye tracking data in a wide variety of real world research scenarios.Today,I want to show you what comes with your glasses 2 package,go through both how to set it up and make a recording.As well as an of you, of the basic.As of the glasses2 product itself.Ok.So let's look at what comes inside your box.

Tobii Glasses 2,the next generation.Wearable eye tracking tool from tobii,designed to enable easy,Size and efficient collection of eye tracking data in a wide variety of real world research scenarios.Today,I want to show you what comes with your glasses 2 package,go through both how to set it up and make a recording.As well as an of you, of the basic.As of the glasses2 product itself.Ok.So let's look at what comes inside your box.You'll get one of these boxes with some other things inside,removed all the packaging,take everything out of the box,inside you have Carry case,and a box full of Accessories,First, we're gonna have a look at the Carry case.Let's open it up.As you can see,there's a lot of stuff in here,so we'll zoom in,so we can show it all to you a little bit easier,Ok,So we have the head unit self, which comes with a clear plastic protective lens already attached,We also have a tinted as in the case.As well.This is the actual eye TRACKER with several sensors that track what the person wearing it.Looking at always handles Head unit with care and keep it clean.As it is a delicate measurement instrument.We also have the recording unit,and underneath that is HDMI cable.On the opposite side of the case.we have four rechargeable type 18650 batteries, four different size nose pads,three SD memory cards,and a small section with the USB stick.It's trap cleaning cloth and a cable called clipping.On the underside of the lid is a small section which contains a quick start guide,Inside the guide, you'll find everything you need to get started with the glasses2.Let's open your accessories box.Again, we're gonna zoom in. So this is easier for you to see.In here we have an eater net cable, and east net USB adapter,A couple of spare plastic calibration cards,10 calibration stickers,a battery charger for your type 18650 batteries located in carry case.This charge comes with several different power adapters for different countries,the UK the US,Australia, and New zealand, and the EU.It also comes with a car cigarette lighter plug power adapter,So you can charge on the car.There's also a USB power adapter that can power recording you.As well as charging the battery that's inside.This also comes with several interchangeable plugs for the same countries as mentioned earlier.If you have the premium package,you'll have another box with a windows Pro tablet in.This is designed to be used along with the Tobii Glasses controller software.Of course, use any windows powered tablet, laptop or computer.To.to control the glasses 2 as long as you have the controller software installed.Please check the Emanuel,Make sure your system meets the minimum system requirements.Before data collection,Please make sure to charge all the batteries with the supply battery charger,The batteries are fully charged when the display above each battery reads 4.2,and three solid bars are shown like this.Also make sure to provide NESD Memory cards you'll need.Now, to prepare your recording unit, we need.Insert a fully charged battery into the recording units Battery compartment.Do this. We need to rotate Battery cover counter clockwise to remove it,and then insert the battery positive end first,and finally replace the battery cover and rotate it clockwise to secure it.Next we need.Still an sd memory card into the recording units memory card slot.To do this, we need to remove the rubber protector.We need to make sure the sd card pins are facing towards the front of the recording unit,as shown here,Then insert memory card.Ok. So now that we have an sd card and a charged battery,In the recording unit, we can begin setting up for a recording.To do this, we're gonna need Glasses 2 Head unit.Provided HDMI cable, the Prepared recording unit.a nose PAD. The Cable clip, the head strap.And target a windows tablet or computer with toby glasses control software installed,And Of Course,your participant,And Here is very Kindly offered to be my participant.Today to make it easier to go through the steps.Okay,We need to set up the head unit first,To do this,we must pick an attached.The nose PAD that will enable the glasses to to sit naturally on your participant,There are different sizes.As in your carry case, if the nose PAD you choose.Does not sit correctly or feels uncomfortable for the participant.Simply change it with a different size,We need to get the HDMI cable and insert the Micro and into the head unit.Then secure the cable in the clip on the arm of your head unit.We recommend using the head strap,simply tighten it to ensure the glasses 2 do not move around or drop during the recording.Next connected other end of the HDMI cable from the glasses 2 Into the recording unit.and attach the recording unit to the participant,Usual on a pocket or belt.We provide.A cable cord clip, which can be.Clip to close in order to stop the wire catching or moving about too much.Ok. So now we have a participant set up with the glasses to hardware.Where we want to get ready to make a recording.Please make sure that you have in.Stored the glasses controller software on whichever windows power device you're going.Be using to control your glasses 2.There are two ways of connecting your glasses 2 to the type of glasses Controller software.you can only connect them via an ether net cable.To do this, please connect the ether net cable.Able to your glasses 2 record Boarding unit.On the other end of the cable to the device you're using to control your glasses 2.If you have either the live view wireless package, all the.Premium package. You can connect Glasses 2 the eat and eat cake.Or you can connect them wireless lee over WiFi,to connect WiFi. You first need to turn your recording unit.To do this,you must press and hold the power button for a few seconds or until the led stop flashing.The network name of your glasses 2 will be the same as your serial number.The serial number is located on a sticker on a rear of your recording unit.Near the bottom as shown here.Make sure your windows power device has WiFi enabled,and then locate your glasses 2 in the list of available networks.Please allow up to two minutes from when you first powered on recording unit.For the device to appear in your network list.Now connect your glasses 2,the password is Tobii Glasses with no spaces a capital t and capital g.Once you connected Glasses 2 please open the tobii glasses controller software,You will be at the dashboard where any connected Glasses will be displayed.Locate the glasses you wish to record with,Make sure that the memory and battery life are not low,These can be seen here.If you have more than one Unit, you may wish to rename your unit. You can do this by clicking here.On the settings button. And then.rename glasses,choose whatever name you wish and click save changes.Now we can click on start new recording.We must now either create a new Participant or choose one we've used before.You can add any relevant info you wish to about a participant here.When finished, please click create.You should now be able to see the live view tab.Here you can see.What the scene camera on the glasses 2 seize,You need a car Liberation card or sticker.If you're Participant of you.Please ensure that the participant is placed between away from the calibration card.struck the participant to look at the center point of the calibration card,And then make sure you get engaged. Data indicate By the red circle.If you are not.Gays date to adjust the head on the party disciplines head or change the Nose PAD.If you're guessing, gazed date.To instruct the participant to continue looking at the center point until you tell them otherwise.If both of these are true, click the calibrate button.If you're not happy with your Calibration you can simply click on the recalibrate button, as shown here, to try again,Make sure the participant is looking at the calibration target before you start the calibration process.Once the calibration Completed.And you can see the accurate data is being received.You are ready to Start recording.to start recording,simply on the record button and make the recording.When you're finished recording,simply click on the stop button in the glasses controller software.Once you're recording started, it does not matter if the coordinate becomes disconnected.From the tablet or computer. You must, however, reconnect your glasses Boarding unit to.Your computer to stop or pause the recording in the tobii glasses control of software.During a recording.Will see a live video from the glasses 2 in the controller software,If the glasses are connected to your computer.This feature enables you to view.Uh What the participant is looking at throughout the study.If you wish to play back any of your recordings that are on the sd card inside the recording unit,simply click on the relevant recording under the recordings tab to view it,You can also delete recording from here if you wish.You can also click on the participants tap here,to view a certain participants cording and Information.To turn off the cording unit. After you finish your recording,Press and hold the power ban until the led stop flashing.You can use your carry case as a portable table wrist to convert your carry case into a portable table.Rest Simply make sure the shoulder strap is connected to the opposite corners on the carry case, as shown here.Then place it over your head. Like so,please be careful not to tilt the characters too much when using it as a portable table rest as you may drop your device.Now that we have collected our data with tobii glasses 2.please install tobii glasses analysis software on the windows advice,You intend to use the software with ,and then open the software,The software has to be purchased separately,or it is included in the premium and subscription packages of Tobii glasses 2.You will need a valid license key to install the software,which you can find in the product purchase EMAIL,Firstly,we need create a new project. add name,And where you want to be saved,and create on it.remove the sd memory card from your recording unit and insert it into your PC.We now find ourselves at the project dashboard,From here,we need to click on import classes, recordings,locate your sd memory card and click on the .ttgp file to import the data.Next select which records you wish to import into the project by clicking the check boxes next to the appropriate recordings,Once recordings are imported,I can show you the basic features of tobii glasses analysis software.These include a snapshot mapping tool of visualization tool and AOI tool.as well as metrics and data exports,Let's look at a replay of a recording to start with,to replay a toby glasses 2 recording with the gays data overlaid just double click on the recording in the recordings list.In the replay tab, click on the play button to replay the video.You can use the timeline and the replay control buttons to navigate in the video.In this view,you can also log interesting events that occur in the video.In this case,for example,when the person is interacting with the touch screen with people.choose a name for the event you want to log,choose what keyboard shortcut you want to use to log the event and click OK.As you can see,it is now in the list of custom events but not in the events list,When the interesting event occurs in the recording press the shortcut key to log the event.this creates an event in the events list.In this case,we would create an event for every time a participant starts interacting with the touch screen recipe bank,Next we look at the mapping tool,open a recording that you have a snapshot for and would like to map gazed a tattoo.Snapshots are still images of objects of interest,And by mapping gaze data onto a snapshot image,you can later use these to create visualization and AOI eyes or areas of interest.To import a snapshot you can click on snapshots,locate and select the appropriate snapshot and import it.Now, we need to enable snapshot mapping by clicking here.Now you can see a recording and snapshot side by side.You need to find the point in time when your participant is looking at the snapshot.Now to map your data to the snapshot, all you need to do is click on the snapshot image in the same place as the gazs.Data is shown in the video.Once you have mapped all the data onto a snapshot,to get the visualization tool,click on the menu button,and then click on the visualization stab,On the right hand sideI will choose the snapshot We map two earlier,as you can see,by doing this the software is automatically selected the recording that I map to this snapshot.On the right hand side,we have some options for what type of heat map the radius of the gays plots,the colors used,the opacity,and the background,You will also see any snapshots that you have used in your project.as well as all your recordings listed in the data selection box.It needs until you achieve what you're after.Then right click on the image to save your image to a file with your visualization data embedded within.After you're finished, head back to the project dashboard.Now we can go into the AOI or area of interest tool.In this study we are trying to ascertain how much attention the interactive recipe bank is getting,So Earlier,we met the gaze data onto the snapshot.Every time the participant interactive with the recipe bank.And Now we can set up an area of interest for it.There are several drawing tools here,So you can create the correct shape for your area of interest.The a o I data will be used in the data, and all metrics export.We'll look at these next.so click back to the project dashboard.select the appropriate date of your project.The matrix tab looks the same but with a list of different AOI based metrics to choose from.As you can see at the bottom. Here is the data field of AOI hit.So if we just explored the event timestamp and AOI hear.of course you can choose as many of the data fields or metrics as you wish.So we've gone through what comes with your tobii glasses 2 package how to set up and make a recording,as well as how to install and use the hardware.And both the tobii glasses controller and analysis software.Please consult the quick start guide located in your carry case,all the user manuals on the USB memory stick.For more Information.For more helpful videos, support and Information, please visit our website.Thank you for watching this toby video. See you next time.
