






iMotions -客户成功的故事- Marco Palma教授,德州A&M

588 阅读 2020-03-03 16:31:14 上传

My name is Marco Palma, I'm a professor in the department of agricultural economics and the director the human behavior laboratory here at Texas A&M University.So the type of research that we do has a lot of different angles,most of them we do about need to present relates to food choices and how that relates to nutrition and different outcomes elated to chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes and how can we lose the propensity of people to be to be at the risk of.......

My name is Marco Palma, I'm a professor in the department of agricultural economics and the director the human behavior laboratory here at Texas A&M University.So the type of research that we do has a lot of different angles,most of them we do about need to present relates to food choices and how that relates to nutrition and different outcomes elated to chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes and how can we lose the propensity of people to be to be at the risk of chronic diseases we all change the human behaviour in general is so right now. We have projects you trying to understand self control and how is it possible that some things those are more likely, to exert self-control and make better food choices to make better decisions about, are savings accounts may make better decisions about their finances about their exercise routine,and so on we're also interested in understanding how emotions driver behaviour.there's that's a very relatively new area there is very little war got in economics.in part because we didn't have ways of truly measuring in an objective way of imotions,so in that regard we now have the tools to be able to do very interesting Research in the laboratory we have sixteen units that have the capabilities of doing eye tracking and obviously with eye tracking were able to track exactly ah the visual interests of participants in a in a screen we'll sable to track the pupil size which is a good indicator of engage in a room imotions arousal in addition we're also have the capabilities of doing facial expression and very important,because we're able to not only observe what individuals are looking at but we get an yeah the imotions reaction to whatever stimulate looking at. We're also have the capabilities of in six of the units to do eeg and that's very important because we can get a direct measure of the engagement of brains. biological reactions to the French stimuli and those are things that people cannot really change those are the things that.automatic and there's no way of trying to fake what happens to the brain and so complementing these with the other type of signals like go by nick schemes bonds respiration raids and other stress signals it's really very surely NAR work because he's not just one signal but we are actually able to look at the whole and when we look at the whole picture were better able to understand what's really driving favor of individuals the role of emotions in helping the research have been tremendous because rather than spending a lot of time trying to do programming and investing effort in terms of time and resources devoted to design an experiment and doing very pensive programming we now are able to just concentrate on what we do best which is we're on experiments and then the emotions by from on being wonderful in terms of making it Farage through the signer experiments and would have to worry about the interaction where the communication the hard one is software that's already down for us so this really opens the door for us to what we do best I spend more time running experiments and polishing the papers and with better ideas one of the remarkable things about the team of emotions is that they're not just sitting selling as a product or service they have been part of our success since the beginning I think that he's some ways we go hand in hand we go together we have grown together and we look forward to need to grow together in the future.
