689 阅读 2020-03-17 18:28:12 上传
The fine screencast will take a look at Acqknowledge automated EEG tools in this particular screencast,we're going to look at a routine,let's look at a routine that will automatically remove EOG artifacts from EEG data,and you can see I've sort of got some channels hidden here,I've already duplicated these FCC Z and PZ so that we can get a look at the before and after,in these particular channels you can see there's a fair amount of EOG artifact,and this can be quite typical the subject is watching a presentation or a movie something where that they're staring at a screen you quite often get some pretty pronounced blinks, in order for this particular analysis to work you do need to record an EOG channel.in this case it's the vertical EOG and you can clearly see the blinks and they correlate with the signals or the artifact that's marked on FZ.so in order to run the analysis we go into the EEG menu,and we select remove EOG artifacts,there's a dialog box pops up and it wants to know the software wants to know which channel contains the EOG signal so in our file it's channel 11.EOG and you can see these are the channels that I duplicated FCC Z PZ etc I'm going to hit OK.and now we're asked which channels do we want to analyze so who wants to FC,CZ,and channel4,PZ,we're going to hit Ok,It takes a little while this particular technique or the technique that's being used here for removing the eye blinks is independent component analysis.and it tends to work better with more channels of EEG threes pretty good but the more you have the better.if I go back in and turn duplicated channels back on this is FC,FZ, we can clearly see that the EOG removal has been able to eliminate.a lot of these blinks saying with the cz although that wasn't contaminated quite as much and then PZ also. so that gives you a quick demonstration of technologies automated EOG artifact removal tool.