






Gastric Wave Analysis

620 阅读 2020-03-18 15:36:20 上传

The following screen cast will provide a demonstration of AcqKnowledge gastric wave analysis routines.In order for this particular analysis to work you require one or two channels of EGG data.And For the start of this stammer I'm going to turn one of the two channels off.So we've got one channel of data that was recordedusing an EGG 100 c amplifier module with surface electrodes placed on a human subject,the EGG analysis,option is available from the analysis menu, gastric wave analysis.

The following screen cast will provide a demonstration of AcqKnowledge gastric wave analysis routines.In order for this particular analysis to work you require one or two channels of EGG data.And For the start of this stammer I'm going to turn one of the two channels off.So we've got one channel of data that was recordedusing an EGG 100 c amplifier module with surface electrodes placed on a human subject,the EGG analysis,option is available from the analysis menu, gastric wave analysis.When you select this item, a dialog box opens.and it gives you control of a number of Preset,said the default preset being human,But you can choose dog or you can create your own,And the preset determines thenumber of cycles per minutes,that you would typically expect to see a normal a brad you'll tacky gastric wave signal.The normal range is between two and four cycles per minuteBrady a little bit slower,0.5 to 2 and tachy a little bit fasterbetween four and nine cycles per minute.I'm just gonna cancel out here for a moment. If we highlight one of our cycles,which something like that.We can see that this data is falling around about three just over three cycles per minuteSo this is what you would consider to be a normal gastric wave cycle,I'm going to select all go back into the analysis menu and select patrick gastric wave analysis,There's an option here to output to journal. And I can transform the entire wave on what the software is going to do when I hit ok. it will use an auto regret time frequency analysis to determine the classifications of gastric waves present within our selected area.So I hit Ok,so here we can see that thiseight minute, approximately eight minutes of data,a hundred percent of the cycles within that period are classified as normal, There is zero Brady or Tachy and no arrythmia area,and we can copy this information to the clipboard and paste it into Excel or word,and down below,you can hit OK,The values were pasted into the journal file.Now if we go back and we turn the first channel on,we now have two channels of EGG data,And see this one isn't quite as clean,but it allows us nowto perform the gastric wave coupling,to here. The dialog now allows us to select one,or the other channel for the analysis In the single wave analysis.we're always working from the selected channel,but nowwe have to identify the two wave forms that we're going to look for the coupling,the rest of the dialogue is the sameas theoriginal analysis, we've got our normal Brady and Tachy rangers.We have the ability to add pre setsWe use presets from the menuWe can output to the journalwhich is what we're going to do nd we can transform the entire wave,now,our results are broken into two areas,channel one and channel two,So we've got the exact same analysis that we ran previouslyFor our two channelsWe can see channel one is different to channel two largely,I think, because there's been some movement in the data,But we've got 28.5 percent normal know slow 10 Brady 28 Tachy. And Arrhythmia is 42.8. That'slikely to be caused by a little bit of noise that's in there.Channel two is much cleaner,Everything appears to be within the normal range.And then at the Top,we actually have the percentage of coupling across the two channels,In this case, it's 100%.down in the journal,this Information has been pasted gastric wave coupling 100%,and then our results for channel one and channel two.And that concludes this demonstration of the canalAcqknowledge gastric wave analysis and gastric wave coupling routines.
