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Coordination and the Syntax-Discourse Interface等2则书讯
①2022年团购专著Coordination and the Syntax-Discourse Interface
②2021年前沿专著English in China: Language, Identity and Culture
封面 | 概况 | 书讯类型 |
【书名】:Coordination and the Syntax-Discourse Interface 【作者】:Daniel Altshuler, Robert Truswell 【年份】:2022年 【简介】:【团购资源】牛津形态句法研究书系最新著作,从语篇角度来研究并列结构,提供了一种新视角 This survey explores interactions between syntax and discourse, through a case study of patterns of extraction from coordinate structures. The theoretical breadth of the volume makes it the most complete account of extraction from coordinate structures to date: at first glance, it appears to be a syntactic matter, but the survey raises theoretical and empirical questions not just for syntax, but also across semantics, pragmatics, and discourse structure. Rather than promoting a single analysis, Daniel Altshuler and Robert Truswell outline reasonable hypotheses that allow theoretical conclusions to be deducted from empirical facts. The theoretical conclusions show that coordinate structures have the potential to discriminate between current syntactic theories, and to inform work on the interfaces between syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse. In many cases, however, the necessary empirical work has not yet been carried out, and too much of the literature revolves around the same handful of primarily English examples. The volume offers a starting point for further research on extraction from coordinate structures, particularly in understudied languages, and provides a guide to how to tease out the theoretical implications of empirical findings. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:English in China: Language, Identity and Culture 【作者】:Emily Tsz Yan Fong 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:This volume explores Chinese identity through the lens of both the Chinese and English languages.
Until the twentieth century, English was a language associated with capitalists and military aggressors in China. However, the massive progression of globalisation in China following the 1980s has transformed the language into an important tool for China's modernisation. Regardless of the role English plays in China, there has always been a fear there that the spread of culture(s) associated with English would lead to weakening of the Chinese identity. This fear resulted in the development of the ti-yong principle: Chinese learning for essence (ti), Western learning for utility (yong).
Fong's book aims to enhance understanding of the ti-yong dichotomy in relation to people's sense of being Chinese in China, the penetration of English into non-English speaking societies, the resultant tensions in people's sense of personal and national identity, and their place in the world. Using Q methodology, the book presents observations based on data collected from four participant groups, namely high school and university students, teachers and parents in China, to investigate their perspectives on the status and roles of English, as well as those of Chinese.
Considering the growing international interest in China, this volume will appeal to readers interested in China's contemporary society in general, its language, culture and identity. It will be a useful resource for academics, researchers and students in the field of applied linguistics, language education and Chinese cultural studies and can also be adopted as a reference book for undergraduate courses relating to language, identity and culture. | 此资源由网友提供 |