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The Oxford Handbook of Corpus Phonology等2本电子书
①牛津大学出版社2020前沿专著The Oxford Handbook of Corpus Phonology
②Springer出版社2019年前沿专著Directival Theory of Meaning: From Syntax and Pragmatics to Narrow Linguistic Content
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【书名】:The Oxford Handbook of Corpus Phonology 【作者】:Jacques Durand et al. (eds.) 【年份】:2014年 【出版社】:牛津大学出版社 【简介】:【团购,120人】牛津语言学手册之语料库音系学,14年出版 This handbook introduces the field of corpus phonology: the employment of purpose-built phonologically annotated spoken language corpora for studying a wide range of phonological and phonetic phenomena. These include speakers’ and listeners’ acquisition and knowledge of the sound system of their native language and foreign languages as well as the laws underlying those systems. The field of corpus phonology combines methods and theoretical approaches from phonology, both diachronic and synchronic, phonetics, corpus linguistics, speech technology, information technology and computer science, mathematics, and statistics. The book is divided into four parts: the first deals with the design characteristics, creation, transcription, exploitation, and archiving of phonological corpora; the second presents current corpus-based research in phonetics, phonology, language variation, and language acquisition. In Part III, the most widely used tools for corpus compilation and exploitation are introduced, and Part IV contains descriptions of ten currently available phonological corpora in various languages. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Directival Theory of Meaning: From Syntax and Pragmatics to Narrow Linguistic Content 【作者】:Paweł Grabarczyk 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:Springer出版社 【简介】:The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes constitutes This book presents a new approach to semantics based on Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz’s Directival Theory of Meaning (DTM), which in effect reduces semantics of the analysed language to the combination of its syntax and pragmatics. The author argues that the DTM was forgotten because for many years philosophers didn’t have conceptual tools to appreciate its innovative nature, and that the theory was far ahead of its time.
The book shows how a redesigned and modernised version of the DTM can deliver a new solution to the problem of defining linguistic meaning and that the theory can be understood as a new type of functional role semantics. The defining feature of the DTM is that it presents meaning as a product of constraints on the usage of words. According to the DTM meaning is not use, but the avoidance of misuse.
Readers will see how the DTM was shelved for reasons that we don’t find so dramatic anymore, and how it contains enough original ideas and solutions to warrant developing it into a full-blown contemporary account. It is shown how many of the underlying ideas of the theory have been embraced later by philosophers and treated simply as brute facts about natural languages or even as new philosophical discoveries.
Philosophers of language and researchers with an interest in how languages and the mind work will find this book a fascinating read. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!