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Rethinking Verb Second等2本电子书
①剑桥大学出版社2020年重磅专著Rethinking Verb Second
②De Gruyter出版社2015年前沿专著Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics
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【书名】:Rethinking Verb Second 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:剑桥大学出版社 【简介】:【生成语法书系“反思比较句法”的第五册,提出V2现象其实比我们现象得更常见的观点! This volume provides the most exhaustive and comprehensive treatment available of the Verb Second property, which has been a central topic in formal syntax for decades. While Verb Second has traditionally been considered a feature primarily of the Germanic languages, this book shows that it is much more widely attested cross-linguistically than previously thought, and explores the multiple empirical, theoretical, and experimental puzzles that remain in developing an account of the phenomenon. Uniquely, formal theoretical work appears alongside studies of psycholinguistics, language production, and language acquisition. The range of languages investigated is also broader than in previous work: while novel issues are explored through the lens of the more familiar Germanic data, chapters also cover Verb Second effects in languages such as Armenian, Dinka, Tohono O'odham, and in the Celtic, Romance, and Slavonic families. The analyses have wide-ranging consequences for our understanding of the language faculty, and will be of interest to researchers and students from advanced undergraduate level upwards in the fields of syntax, historical linguistics, and language acquisition. | 此资源信息由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics 【作者】:Ewa Dabrowska, Dagmar Divjak 【年份】:2015年 【出版社】:De Gruyter出版社 【简介】:Cognitive Linguistics is an approach to language study based on the assumptions that our linguistic abilities are firmly rooted in our cognitive abilities, that meaning is essentially conceptualization, and that grammar is shaped by usage. The Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics provides state-of-the-art overviews of the numerous subfields of cognitive linguistics written by leading international experts which will be useful for established researchers and novices alike. It is an interdisciplinary project with contributions from linguists, psycholinguists, psychologists, and computer scientists which will emphasise the most recent developments in the field, in particular, the shift towards more empirically-based research. In this way, it will, we hope, help to shape the field, encouraging methodologically more rigorous research which incorporates insights from all the cognitive sciences. Editor Ewa Dąbrowska was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2018. | 此资源由LingLab提供,为免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载!