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Conversation Analysis and Second Language Pedagogy: A Guide for ESL/EFL Teachers (2nd ed.)等2本电子书
①Routledge出版社2021年重磅新著Conversation Analysis and Second Language Pedagogy: A Guide for ESL/EFL Teachers (2nd ed.)
②John Benjamins出版社2018年前沿专著Corpus-Based Research on Variation in English Legal Discourse
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【书名】:Conversation Analysis and Second Language Pedagogy: A Guide for ESL/EFL Teachers (2nd ed.) 【作者】:Jean Wong, Hansun Zhang Waring 【年份】:2021年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:会话分析与二语分析方面的一本教材。 Now in its second edition, this volume offers a strong synthesis of classic and current work in conversation analysis (CA), usefully encapsulated in a model of interactional practices that comprise interactional competence. Through this synthesis, Wong and Waring demonstrate how CA findings can help to increase language teachers’ awareness of the spoken language and suggest ways of applying that knowledge to teaching second language interaction skills. The Second Edition features:
The book is geared towards current and prospective second or foreign language teachers, material developers, and other language professionals, and assumes neither background knowledge of conversation analysis nor its connection to second language teaching. It also serves as a handy reference for those interested in key CA findings on social interaction. | 此资源信息由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Corpus-Based Research on Variation in English Legal Discourse 【作者】:Teresa Fanego (Editor), Paula Rodríguez-Puente (Editor) 【年份】:2018年 【出版社】:John Benjamins出版社 【简介】:This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the research carried out over the past thirty years in the vast field of legal discourse. The focus is on how such research has been influenced and shaped by developments in corpus linguistics and register analysis, and by the emergence from the mid 1990s of historical pragmatics as a branch of pragmatics concerned with the scrutiny of historical texts in their context of writing. The five chapters in Part I (together with the introductory chapter) offer a wide spectrum of the latest approaches to the synchronic analysis of cross-genre and cross-linguistic variation in legal discourse. Part II addresses diachronic variation, illustrating how a diversity of methods, such as multi-dimensional analysis, move analysis, collocation analysis, and Darwinian models of language evolution can uncover new understandings of diachronic linguistic phenomena. | 此资源由LingLab提供,为免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载!