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Critical Sociolinguistic Research Methods: Studying Language Issues That Matter
Routledge出版社2017年前沿专著Critical Sociolinguistic Research Methods: Studying Language Issues That Matter
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【书名】:Critical Sociolinguistic Research Methods: Studying Language Issues That Matter 【作者】:Monica Heller 【年份】:2017年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:Critical Sociolinguistic Research Methods is a guide to conducting concrete ethnographic and discourse analytic research projects, written by top scholars for students and researchers in social science fields. Adopting a critical perspective focusing on the role of language in the construction of social difference and social inequality, the authors walk the reader through five key moments in the life of a research project: composing research questions, designing the project, doing fieldwork, performing data analysis and writing academic texts or otherwise engaging in conversation with different types of social actors about the project. These moments are illustrated by colour-coded examples from the authors’ experiences that help researchers and students follow the sequential stages of a project. Clear and highly applicable, with a detailed workbook full of practical tips and examples, this book is a great resource for graduate-level qualitative methods courses in linguistics and anthropology, as well as methods courses in the humanities and social sciences that focus on the role of language in research. It is a timely text for investigating language issues that matter and have consequences for people's lives. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取! |