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Historical Linguistics 2017等2本电子书
①John Benjamins出版社2020年重磅新著Historical Linguistics 2017
②剑桥大学出版社2019年前沿专著Signs of Difference: Language and Ideology in Social Life
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【书名】:Historical Linguistics 2017 【作者】:Bridget Drinka (ed.) 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:John Benjamins出版社 【简介】:著名的Current Issues in Linguistic Theory书系的重要子系列,第23届国际历史语言学会议的会后论文合集,方便相关学者关注该领域前沿进展。 The collected articles in this volume address an array of cutting-edge issues in the field of historical linguistics, including new theoretical approaches and innovative methodologies for studying language through a diachronic lens. The articles focus on the following themes: I. Case & Argument Structure, II. Alignment & Diathesis, III. Patterns, Paradigms, & Restructuring, IV. Grammaticalization & Construction Grammar, V. Corpus Linguistics & Morphosyntax, VI. Languages in Contact. Papers reflect a wide range of perspectives, and focus on issues and data from an array of languages and language families, from new analyses of case and argument structure in Ancient Greek to phonological evidence for language contact in Vietnamese, from patterns of convergence in Neo-Aramaic to the development of the ergative in Basque. The volume contributes substantially to the debate surrounding core issues of language change: the role of the individual speaker, the nature of paths of grammaticalization, the role of contact, the interface of diachrony and synchrony, and many other issues. It should be useful to any reader hoping to gain insight into the nature of language change. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Signs of Difference: Language and Ideology in Social Life 【作者】:Susan Gal and Judith T. Irvine 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:剑桥大学出版社 【简介】:How are peoples' ideas about languages, ways of speaking and expressive styles shaped by their social positions and values? How is difference, in language and in social life, made - and unmade? How and why are some differences persuasive as the basis for action, while other differences are ignored or erased? Written by two recognised authorities on language and culture, this book argues that ideological work of all kinds is fundamentally communicative, and that social positions, projects and historical moments influence, and are influenced by, people's ideas about communicative practices. Neither true nor false, ideologies are positioned and partial visions of the world, relying on comparison and perspective; they exploit differences in expressive features - linguistic and otherwise - to construct convincing stereotypes of people, spaces and activities. Using detailed ethnographic, historical and contemporary examples, this outstanding book shows readers how to analyse ideological work semiotically. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!