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Mermaid Construction: A Compound-Predicate Construction with Biclausal Appearance等2本电子书
①De Gruyter出版社2020年最新专著Mermaid Construction: A Compound-Predicate Construction with Biclausal Appearance
②Springer出版社2021年最新专著Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Theoretical Developments
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【书名】:Mermaid Construction: A Compound-Predicate Construction with Biclausal Appearance 【作者】:Tasaku Tsunoda (ed.) 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:De Gruyter 【简介】:德古意特跨语言比较系列最新手册 This volume provides detailed studies of the crosslinguistically unusual mermaid construction in seventeen languages of Asia, including Modern Standard Japanese, and one language of Africa. This construction appears to be absent in languages of Europe, Oceania and the Americas. The name - mermaid construction - alludes to its paradoxical make-up, where the structure closely resembling a verb-predicate clause ends with what may look like a noun-predicate clause. Superficially it looks biclausal; however, syntactically it is monoclausal. It has a compound predicate which contains an independent noun, a clitic or an affix derived from a noun, or a nominalizer. Its compound predicate has a modal, evidential, aspectual, temporal, stylistic or discourse-related meaning. The paradox is resolved from a diachronic perspective insofar as a biclausal structure is reanalyzed as a monoclausal one. This volume shows how a noun may be reanalyzed to become a constituent of a predicate. It constitutes an important contribution to research on grammaticalization and in particular, the grammaticalization of nouns and more generally, to the typology of syntactic reanalysis. | 此资源由LingLab合作伙伴“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Theoretical Developments 【作者】:Fabrizio Macagno, Alessandro Capone 【出版社】:Springer 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:Together with the volume “Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics: Linguistic and theoretical issues,” this book provides a journey through the more recent developments of pragmatics, considering both its philosophical and linguistic nature. This first volume is devoted to the theoretical models developed from a philosophical perspective, including both the newest advances of the classical theories and approaches, and pioneering and interdisciplinary ideas proposed to face the challenges of the fields and areas of practice and analysis. The topics investigated, which include implicatures, reference, presupposition, speech acts, metaphor, relevance, and common ground, represent the core of the state of the art in philosophical pragmatics. Research on these matters have been continuously changing the way that we can look at them. This book serves as a collection of works from the most eminent authors who represent the theoretical developments of the approaches that defined this field, together with the new philosophical insights coming from more applied disciplines such as argumentation, discourse analysis, or linguistics. The combination of these two perspectives provides a unique outline of the current research in pragmatics. | 此资源由LingLab免费提供,可点击下方的按钮直接获取!