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Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics from the Global South等3本电子书
①Routledge出版社2019年重磅新书Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics from the Global South
②Routledge出版社2020年重磅新书Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation
以上为学术写作领域大牛Ken Hyland主编的最新书系Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics的两本新作,但很难从网上下载,欲获取请添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询!
③牛津大学出版社2015年经典书目Evolutionary Syntax
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| 【书名】:Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics from the Global South 【作者】:Alastair Pennycook, Sinfree Makoni 【年份】:2019年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:周末大餐,学术写作领域大牛Ken Hyland主编的最新书系Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics的两本新作之一。
Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics from the Global South provides an original appraisal of the latest innovations and challenges in applied linguistics from the perspective of the Global South. Global South perspectives are encapsulated in struggles for basic, economic, political and social transformation in an inequitable world, and are not confined to the geographical South. Taking a critical perspective on Southern theories, demonstrating why it is important to view the world from Southern perspectives and why such positions must be open to critical investigation, this book:
Written by two renowned scholars in the field, Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics from the Global South is key reading for advanced students and researchers of applied linguistics, multilingualism, language and education, language policy and planning, and language and identity.
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【书名】:Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation 【作者】:Zoltán Dörnyei 【年份】:2020年 【出版社】:Routledge出版社 【简介】:周末大餐,学术写作领域大牛Ken Hyland主编的最新书系Innovations and Challenges in Applied Linguistics的两本新作之二。
Innovations and Challenges in Language Learning Motivation provides a cutting-edge perspective on the latest challenges and innovations in language learning motivation, incorporating numerous examples and cases in mainstream psychology and in the field of second language acquisition. Drawing on over three decades of research experience as well as an extensive review of the latest psychological and SLA literature, Dörnyei provides an accessible overview of these cutting-edge areas and covers novel topics that have not yet been addressed in L2 motivation research, such as: • fundamental theoretical questions such as mental time travel, ego depletion, psychological momentum and passion, and how the temporal dimension of motivation can be made consistent with a learner attribute; • key challenges concerning the notion of L2 motivation, ranging from issues about the nature of motivation (e.g. trait, state or a process?) and questions surrounding unconscious versus conscious motivation, the motivational capacity of vision, and long-term motivation and persistence; • highly practical classroom-specific challenges such as how technological advances could be better integrated in teachers’ repertoires of motivational strategies. This distinctive book from one of the key voices in the field will be essential reading for students in the field of TESOL and Applied Linguistics, as well as language teachers and teacher educators. | 此书很难下载,感兴趣的老师和同学可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
| 【书名】:Evolutionary Syntax 【作者】:Progovac, Ljiljana 【年份】:2015年 【出版社】:牛津大学出版社 【简介】:In this book, Ljiljana Progovac proposes a gradualist, adaptationist approach to the evolution of syntax, subject to natural selection. She provides a specific framework for its study, combining the fields of evolutionary biology, theoretical syntax, typology, neuroscience, and genetics. The author pursues an internal reconstruction of the stages of grammar based on the syntactic theory associated with Chomskyan Minimalism and arrives at specific, testable hypotheses, which are then corroborated by an abundance of theoretically analysed 'living fossils' drawn from a variety of languages. Her approach demonstrates that these fossil structures do not just coexist alongside more modern structures, but are in fact built into the very foundation of more complex structures, leading to quirks and complexities that are suggestive of a gradualist evolutionary scenario. By reconstructing a particular path along which syntax evolved, Evolutionary Syntax sheds light on the crucial properties of language design itself, as well as on the major parameters of crosslinguistic variation. As a result, this reconstruction can be meaningfully correlated with both the hominin timeline and the ever-growing body of genetic evidence that is available. | 免费资源,各位老师和同学可点击文末的附件列表进行下载! |