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Argumentation between Doctors and Patients: Understanding clinical argumentative discourse等2则书讯
①2021年最新专著Argumentation between Doctors and Patients: Understanding clinical argumentative discourse
②2017年前沿专著A Minimalist View on the Syntax–Semantics Relationship: Turning the Mind into a Snowflake
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【书名】:Argumentation between Doctors and Patients: Understanding clinical argumentative discourse 【作者】:Frans H. van Eemeren et al. 【年份】:2021年 【简介】:医患话语研究 Argumentation between Doctors and Patients discusses the use of argumentation in clinical settings. Starting from the pragma-dialectical theory of argumentation, it aims at providing an understanding of argumentative discourse in the context of doctor-patient interaction. It explains when and how interactions between doctors and patients can be reconstructed as argumentative, what it means for doctors and patients to reasonably resolve a difference of opinion, what it implies to strive simultaneously for reasonableness and effectiveness in clinical discourse, and when such efforts derail into fallaciousness. Argumentation between Doctors and Patients is of interest to all those who seek to improve their understanding of argumentation in a medical context – whether they are students, scholars of argumentation, or medical practitioners. Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen and Nanon Labrie are prominent argumentation theorists. In writing Argumentation between Doctors and Patients, they have benefited from the advice of an Advisory Board consisting of both medical practitioners and argumentation scholars. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:A Minimalist View on the Syntax–Semantics Relationship: Turning the Mind into a Snowflake 【作者】:Jarosław Jakielaszek 【年份】:2017年 【简介】:Current developments of the Minimalist Program in generative linguistics put the procedure of labeling syntactic objects at the center of the syntax–semantics transition. This book provides a discussion of consequences of such proposals for a proper analysis of different varieties of the operation Merge and their interpretive reflexes, as well as for the general theory of the syntax–semantics relationship. It argues that the absence of substitutional operations in Narrow Syntax should restrict the range of admissible interpretive operations on adjunction structures in the conceptual-intentional component. It also debates that syntactic chains are subject to interpretive procedures properly analyzed with the help of counterpart-theoretic concepts. | 此资源由网友提供