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序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | Article | Kotek et al. | Gender bias and stereotypes in linguistic example sentences |
02 | Article | Cépeda et al. | Gender bias in linguistics textbooks: Has anything changed since Macaulay & Brice 1997? |
03 | Article | Kaplan | Categorical and gradient ungrammaticality in optional processes |
04 | Article | Mithun | In celebration of the differences: Distributing meanings over structure |
05 | Article | Cohen et al. | Individual variation in the structure of bilingual grammars |
06 | Article | Skilton | Demonstratives and visibility: Data from Ticuna and implications for theories of deixis |
07 | Article | Tsikewa | Reimagining the current praxis of field linguistics training: Decolonial considerations |
08 | Report | Oshima | When (not) to use the Japanese particle wa: Groundhood, contrastive topics, and grammatical functions |
09 | Report | Kawahara | Testing MaxEnt with sound symbolism: A stripy wug-shaped curve in Japanese Pokémon names |
10 | Report | Sanker et al. | (Don't) try this at home!: The effects of recording devices and software on phonetic analysis |
11 | Commentary | D'Arcy & Salmons | Peer review in linguistics journals: Best practices and emerging standards |
12 | Review | Levshina | The grammar network: How linguistic structure is shaped by language use by Holger Diessel (review) |
13 | Review | Culicover | Grammatical theory: From transformational grammar to constraint-based approaches by Stefan Müller (review) |
14 | Review | Paap | Bilingualism, executive function, and beyond: Questions and insights ed. by Irina A. Sekerina et al. (review) |
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