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An Introduction to Relational Network Theory: History, Principles, and Descriptive Applications等2则书讯
①2017年团购专著IAn Introduction to Relational Network Theory: History, Principles, and Descriptive Applications
②2022年最新专著The Oxford History of Phonology
封面 | 概况 | 书讯类型 |
【书名】:An Introduction to Relational Network Theory: History, Principles, and Descriptive Applications 【作者】:Adolfo M. García et al. 【年份】:2017年 【简介】:【团购资源】系统功能框架下的关联网络理论研究 Exploring multimodality in English language teaching textbooks, this book focusses on how language and image are co-deployed within these resources in order to create and convey interpersonal meaning. Presenting cutting-edge research in appraisal studies and multimodal discourse analysis, Yumin Chen uses systemic functional linguistics and social semiotics to investigate how different voices are introduced and aligned inter-modally in textbooks, extending the appraisal systems of engagement and graduation across language and image. The book also demonstrates how linguistic and visual semiotic resources co-instantiate attitude, paying special attention to the attitudinal dimension of curriculum goals for school students of different ages. Furthermore, it examines how different kinds of coding orientation are deployed in various educational contexts and different constituent genres.
Demonstrating how the linguistic and semiotic theories can be adapted to analyze multimodal texts across language and image, Interpersonal Meaning in Multimodal English Textbooks offers new perspectives on how to employ multimodal resources to enhance the teaching and learning of English as a foreign language. | 此书讯“语言学小电”提供,感兴趣可添加“语言学小电”的微信13764179404进行咨询! | |
【书名】:The Oxford History of Phonology 【作者】:B. Elan Dresher (editor), Harry van der Hulst (editor) 【年份】:2022年 【简介】:This volume is the first to provide an up-to-date and comprehensive history of phonology from the earliest known examples of phonological thinking, through the rise of phonology as a field in the twentieth century, and up to the most recent advances. The volume is divided into five parts. Part I offers an account of writing systems along with chapters exploring the great ancient and medieval intellectual traditions of phonological thought that form the foundation of later thinking and continue to enrich phonological theory. Chapters in Part II describe the important schools and individuals of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who shaped phonology as an organized scientific field. Part III examines mid-twentieth century developments in phonology in the Soviet Union, Northern and Western Europe, and North America; it continues with precursors to generative grammar, and culminates in a chapter on Chomsky and Halle's The Sound Pattern of English (SPE). Part IV then shows how phonological theorists responded to SPE with respect to derivations, representations, and phonology-morphology interaction. Theories discussed include Dependency Phonology, Government Phonology, Constraint-and-Repair theories, and Optimality Theory. The part ends with a chapter on the study of variation. Finally, chapters in Part V look at new methods and approaches, covering phonetic explanation, corpora and phonological analysis, probabilistic phonology, computational modelling, models of phonological learning, and the evolution of phonology. This in-depth exploration of the history of phonology provides new perspectives on where phonology has been and sheds light on where it could go next. | 此资源由网友提供 |