【每日刊讯】Journal of English for Academic Purposes《学术英语杂志》2022年第55卷-共14篇论文(侵删)
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本期推送的是SSCI期刊——Journal of English for Academic Purposes《学术英语杂志》最新一期、即2021年第55卷的14篇论文(侵删)。
Journal of English for Academic Purposes《学术英语杂志》2022年第55卷-共14篇论文(侵删)
序号 | 类型 | 作者 | 题目 |
01 | News | Brewer | BALEAP News |
02 | Article | Gay | Investigating the effects of technology-enhanced vocabulary learning strategy instruction on supporting mixed-ability EMI learners studying a journalism and communication major: An action research project at a university in China |
03 | Article | Shao et al. | Phrasal complexity in English argumentative writing: Variations across Chinese STEM versus English majors' production and EFL textbook essays |
04 | Article | Karakoç et al. | Beyond comprehension: Reading requirements in first-year undergraduate courses |
05 | Article | Geluso | Grammatical and functional characteristics of preposition-based phrase frames in English argumentative essays by L1 English and Spanish speakers |
06 | Article | Bell | Methodology in EAP: Why is it largely still an overlooked issue? |
07 | Article | Wright et al. | “Now I hear what you say” - How short EAP courses can foster successful academic interactional strategies |
08 | Article | Yu | A multi-dimensional analysis of English-medium massive open online courses (MOOCs) video lectures in China |
09 | Article | Zhang | The citational practice of social science research articles: An analysis by part-genres |
10 | Article | Charles | EAP research in BALEAP 1975–2019: Past issues and future directions |
11 | Review | Long & Zhang | Educational Change amongst English Language College Teachers in China: Transitioning from Teaching for General to Academic Purposes, Yulong Li. Springer, Singapore (2020). x+149 pp., Hardcover ISBN: 978-981-15-3052-4, eBook ISBN 978-981-15-3053-1. EUR 49.99 (Hardcover), Free (eBook). |
12 | Article | Wu & Liu | Understanding Chinese Multilingual Scholars’ Experiences of Writing and Publishing in English: A Social-Cognitive Perspective, Congjun Mu. Springer Nature (2020), 260, ISBN 978-3-030-33937-1, ISBN 978-3-030-33938-8 (eBook), eBook €67.40, Pbk €59.99, Hardcover €84.99 |
13 | Article | Read | Assessing Speaking in Context: Expanding the Construct and its Applications, M. Rafael Salaberry, Alfred Rue Burch (Eds.). Multilingual Matters (2021), 328pp., ISBN-9781788923804 (pbk). UK£25.00/US$40.00 |
14 | Article | Li & Dai | Demystifying academic writing: Genres, moves, skills, and strategies, Zhihui Fang. Routledge, New York (2021), 286, pbk, 9781003131618 ebk, ISBN: 9780367653545 |
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